BMS Sem II, Sem IV, Sem VI Full Notes, Online Study Material Free Download


online’s BMS Sem II, Sem IV, Sem VI Full Notes and Online Study material serve as a ready reckoner prepared by experts to provide a crisp and clear description of all important concepts that form a part of the learning objectives of all chapters of each subject. With more than thousands of BMS fans requesting us to provide subject-wise notes since a long time, proudly presents Multimedia enriched high – quality Notes that will include suitable illustrations, diagrams, images, video lectures, relevant examples to aid visual memory, understand the concepts in-depth and gain practical knowledge and not just only get bookish knowledge.

Referring to these notes / study material helps students to summarise key points in an easy to remember format and get an extra edge and confidence before appearing for exams. All the study material  is available to all the BMS students here for FREE OF COST. These notes are written in easy language and helps save valuable time of BMS students. The notes are organized for quick and easy reference and BMS students can easily print them / email themselves for future reference. 


The notes for each subject of Sem II, Sem IV and Sem VI will be updated on periodic basis on this post / page in the form of “Question and Answers” SOON! Stay tuned! 


Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management:

  1. What Is The Meaning of Financial Markets?
  2. What Is The Meaning of Financial Institutions?
  3. Write A Note on Financial Markets
  4. What Is The Meaning of Financial Instruments?
  5. What Is The Meaning of Financial Services?
  6. What Is The Meaning of Portfolio?
  7. What Is The Meaning of Portfolio Management?
  8. What Is The Portfolio Management Process?
  9. What Are Objectives of Portfolio Management?
  10. What Is The Meaning of Portfolio Construction?
  11. What Is The Interior Decorating Approach to Construction of Portfolio?
  12. What Is The Markowitz Approach To Constructing Portfolio?
  13. What Is The Meaning of Portfolio Composition?
  14. Write A Note On Collecting Basic Data of Investment Portfolio
  15. How To Formulate Investment Portfolio Objectives?
  16. What Are The Principles of Constructing An Investment Portfolio?
  17. What Are The Weighing Constraints of Investment Portfolio?
  18. How To Select Investment Portfolio Securities?
  19. What Are Sources of Investment Risk?
  20. What is The Meaning of Investment Decision Making?
  21. What Is The Fundamental Approach of Making Investment Decisions?
  22. What Is The Technical Approach Of Making Investment Decisions?
  23. What Is The Efficient Market Theory Approach of Making Investment Decisions?
  24. What Is The Psychological Approach Of Making Investment Decisions?


 Entrepreneurship Management & SME:

  1. Explain The Concept of Entrepreneur
  2. What Is The Definition of Entrepreneurship?
  3. What Is The Meaning of Entrepreneurship?
  4. What Are The Characteristics of Entrepreneur?
  5. Explain The Characteristics of Entrepreneurs
  6. What Are The Qualities of A Successful Entrepreneur?
  7. What Are The Types of Entrepreneurs?
  8. Explain The Types of Business Entrepreneurs
  9. Explain The Types of Technical Entrepreneurs
  10. Explain The Types of Motivational Entrepreneurs
  11. Explain The Types of Growth Entrepreneurs
  12. Explain The Stages of Entrepreneurs
  13. Write A Note on Women Entrepreneur
  14. Who Is A Woman Entrepreneur?
  15. Explain The Features of Women Entrepreneurs
  16. What Are The Factors Influencing The Women Entrepreneurs?
  17. Explain The Problems of Women Entrepreneurs in India
  18. What Are The Outstanding Qualities of Women?
  19. Explain The Concept of Intrapreneurs
  20. Explain The Characteristics of Intrepreneurial Environment
  21. What Are The Various Sources of Ideas?
  22. How To Choose An Idea?
  23. What Is The Meaning of Outsourcing / BPO?
  24. What Are The Demerits / Disadvantages of Franchising?
  25. What Are The Merits / Advantages of Franchising?
  26. What Is The Definition of Franchising?
  27. What Are The Problems Faced By Ancillary Units?
  28. What Are The Factors Affecting Ancillarisation?
  29. What Are The Objectives of Ancillary Development?
  30. What Is The Meaning of Ancillarisation And Sub Contracting?
  31. What Are The Characteristics And Functions of NGOs?
  32. What Is The Meaning of Non-Government Organization?
  33. What Is The Social Responsibility of Business?
  34. What Are The Factors Responsible For Popularity of Social Responsibility Concept?
  35. What Is The Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship?
  36. What Is The Meaning of Disinvestment Situations?
  37. What Are The High & Medium Investment Situations?
  38. What Is The SWOT Analysis of Typical Turnaround Companies?\
  39. What Is The Role of Entrepreneurship Training Institutes?
  40. How To Design An Entrepreneurship Training Programme?
  41. What Is The Meaning of A Business Plan?
  42. What Is The Definition of Business Plan?
  43. What Are The Uses of Business Plan?
  44. What Are The Components of A Business Plan?
  45. What Is The Meaning of Project?
  46. What Are The Definitions of Project?
  47. What Are The Features / Characteristics of A Project?
  48. What Is The Meaning of Project Formulation?
  49. What Is The Need / Role of Project Formulation?
  50. What Are The Elements of Project Formulation?
  51. What Is The Meaning of The Feasibility Analysis?
  52. What Is The Meaning of Techno-Economic Analysis?
  53. What Is The Meaning of Project Design & Network Analysis?
  54. What Is The Meaning of Input Analysis?
  55. What Is The Meaning of Financial Analysis?
  56. What Is The Meaning of Cost Benefit Analysis?
  57. What Is The Meaning of Pre-Investment Appraisal?
  58. Explain Planning Commission’s Guidelines for Project Formulation
  59. Explain The Significance of Project Report
  60. Who Prepares Project Report?

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