Service Sector Management – TYBMS Sem 5 Important Questions Bank 2015
Hello TYBMS students, We’ve been receiving many requests by students to publish some questions we think are important from the exam preparations perspective. Let’s try to...
Hello TYBMS students, We’ve been receiving many requests by students to publish some questions we think are important from the exam preparations perspective. Let’s try to...
What is the Service Sector? The industrial world is divided into 3 sectors the primary, secondary and tertiary service sector. The primary sector deals with...
PRODUCT LEVELS OF TOURISM In planning its market offering, the marketer needs to think through five levels of product. Each level adds to the...
PRODUCT WIDTH AND PRODUCT LINE Product width of the product mix refers to how many different product lines the company carries. The width of the...
RATER ANALYSIS OF TOURISM The well-known concept of five-quality dimension RATER, we hereby relate them to 7’s of Travel and Tourism. So what do we...
Complaint Handling In Tourism Sector No matter how well prepared you are there is always the potential for something to go wrong. The way you...
Dealing With Difficult People In Tourism Industry Here are some suggestions to help your staff cope with the angry guest. 1 Do not...
Tourism Price Mix In pricing decisions, the product or the service mix of the tourist organization is important. They have to set prices in line...
Tourism Promotion Mix Creation of awareness has a far-reaching impact. The tourist organizations bear the responsibility of informing, persuading and sensing the potential tourists in...
Tourism Advertising Advertisement gives important information to the actual and potential tourists. Its coverage is wide. Advertising is aimed at the public to create awareness...