Business Mathematics Question Bank FYBMS 2019
Please note that these are a set of important questions, however the whole syllabus needs to be done well. For any further clarifications, please feel free to contact Prof Vipin Saboo on 9820779873
Paper pattern:-
Q1. Objectives (15 marks)
Q2. Full length questions (2 sets of 2 questions each. Attempt any one set)
Q3. Full length questions (2 sets of 2 questions each. Attempt any one set)
Q4. Full length questions (2 sets of 2 questions each. Attempt any one set)
Q5. Short notes (3 of 5)
Unit 1
1. Basic sums on simple interest, compound interest, future value and present value
2. Simple sums on annuity, sinking fund and EMI
3. Theory:- Sinking fund, EMI, types of annuity, demand function, supply function, break even point, permutation vs combination
4. Simple sums on equilibrium and break even point
5. Simple sums on permutation and combination
Unit 2
1. Explain the types of matrices
2. Simple sums on addition, multiplication and transpose of matrices
3. Sums on cramers rule for solving simultaneous equations
4. Explain technology matrix, assumptions of input-output model
5. Sums on finding inverse of a matrix, reduction of matrix
6. Simple sums on input out analysis
Unit 3
1. Simple sums on derivatives by rules of differentiation
2. Simple sums on application of derivatives in demand and supply functions
3. Theory:- marginal cost function in derivatives
Unit 4
1. Simple sums on forward and backward difference table
2. Simple sums on Newton’s forward and backward interpolation table
Text books recommended
1. Sheth Publications,
2. Vipul Publications