Human Resource Management Practice Question Paper 1


HRM has come up with Human Resource Management Practice Question Paper. The practice paper will be useful for the SYBMSites (Sem 3) and TYBMSites(Sem 5) students who are appearing for their semester exams this year.

Q.1) Aegis Consulting is a well-established company in India with its head office in Bangalore. It is involved in software development products and services. Aegis plans to expand its business operations for which it needs to recruit staff for the proposed locations in major metro cities. It plans to go on a recruitment drive for hiring the following:  a) Vice President b) 15 Trainee Engineers c) 10 Administrative Staff d) 2 Chartered Accountants.

Q.2 ) What are the components of compensation? Explain the steps in determining pay rates.

Q.3) XYZ Limited wants 20% less employees in the next 3 years because of several technological changes. What will be the role of HRM and how will it implement this change?

Q.4) Write  short notes on the following:

a) Progressive discipline

b) Technological advances and HRM

c) International staffing approaches

d) Work life balance

e) Machinery for settlement of Industrial Disputes.

Q.5) Cisco Enterprises is a tool manufacturing unit which has recently hired sales managers and tool room technicians. It plans to organize training programs for these incumbents. Which training methods can it use for training these employees?

6) A middle-aged lady joins back into working life after a gap of 15 years after her children have grown up. Although a management graduate from an A grade business school, she is unsure if she can perform at the job with her rusty knowledge and skills. Her first day at work is anything but smooth sailing. She had to find her way to the HR department for fulfilling certain formalities and then could meet her boss in the Finance department only after waiting for a couple of hours. The new software seemed strange and no one spoke to her at all. By the evening, she is jittery about continuing with the job. As management expert, identify what went wrong at the first day of work and how would you rectify the situation.

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