Akshada Wagh


Name –Akshada Wagh
Graduated BMS in the year – 2009
College -– Mulund College of Commerce
Currently doing – MMS- HR Specialization
Which institute – Alkesh Dinesh Mody Institute- Dept. of Mumbai University.

Tell us something about yourself
I am an outgoing and extrovert person. I believe in living life to the fullest. It is not important to be serious but be sincere in whatever you do.

Tell us something about your BMS college
It is one of the ancient and renowned college for commerce stream. It is run by Parle Tilak Vidyalaya Association. BMS was started over a decade ago in my college. We were blessed with the finest professors. The BMS students of my college are ordinary people doing extra-ordinary things, rather outstanding things.

When did you join BMS? Which year you graduated BMS?
I joined in 2006 and passed out in 2009. Mine was the last batch which had CET for BMS entrance also.

How did you start your career? What was the first step after completing BMS?
Well, during BMS I had decided to complete my Masters successively and that too in HR specialization. I was personally not comfortable taking a break from studies to prepare for CET, so I managed both CET preparation and TYBMS studies and by God’s grace topped my college in TYBMS and also got through MMS in the same year. Teachers and my then co-ordinator Prof. Rupali Mandlekar played a major role in encouraging me and guiding me.

What are you doing currently?
Currently I am pursuing my final year of MMS in HR specialization. Apart from that I am active member of various committees in college. eg: cultural, academic and alumni. I have been the class representative for past 1 and half year continuously. I completed my summer internship from Mahindra Finance on a HR based profile.

Share with us some of your favorite college memories – Sad, pleasant or anything?
Firstly I love my college. BMS was a 3 yr fun filled journey. I still remember the Industrial visits, we had a rocking time. We celebrated all days with great pomp and joy during our fest SPECTRUM. I still remember once Holi was on Sunday and after our lecture at 2pm we actually painted each other and went home looking like aliens. There were always ups and downs. But bigger the challenges stronger we became and deeper grew our bond amongst our batch. Must say “those were d best days of my life”.

What has BMS life taught you?

BMS has taught me to be myself. Be so strong, confident and look up right into the eyes of every challenge that life throws at you.

How is life after BMS? What changes do you see in yourself?
Life is equally good after BMS. The culture of my college still mingles with me. I was more comfortable with MMS course as I had hands on BMS curriculum.This was my biggest advantage. One more thing, stage fear was something I had overcome way back during my BMS days, so I could sail smoothly through MMS.

Who in your life has influenced you the most?
My parents have influenced me the most. My mother even at this age is keen on studying further and completing her PhD. This is a biggest inspiration for me. My parents have always been a strong support for me to flourish and grow in my career and in every other aspect of life. I owe all my success to them.

Has BMS course really helped you in the corporate world or in MBA?
Definitely, my approach has become more analytical. It has helped me to streamline my thought process as per the corporate scenario. Post management studies’ outlook is no more casual or generalist it becomes more professional and corporate oriented.

As BMS alumni, what changes would you like to bring in management education?
Make limited projects but an indepth study by personal interaction with corporate professionals. Organize more guest lecture by speakers from industries.

What is the ideal career option after BMS? Why?
It depend on the specialization that you choose. There is a pool of options available. On a personal note I would advice my friends to pursue BMS and then MMS to enhance their knowledge and gain maximum exposure of corporate. Do as many live projects possible. Focus on concept clarity and learning the application of those. Once the foundation is strong placement is bound to happen.. So focus on the cause not the effect.

Do you think internship/work experience is a must before pursuing MBA?
Yes it is mandatory, rather it is true essence of management studies. Our syllabus gives us theoretical inputs but companies cannot follow the same practices due to some constraints. During internship we learn practical insights and actually get to work for that organization. In short we get the essence of responsibility and authority.

What message would you like to give to the current BMS batches?
Have a balance approach. Being just studious is not BMS culture. Be versatile and extrovert. Participate in competitions, college activities, be participative, Be receptive to feedback from friends or teachers and groom your personality. Live these 3 years to the fullest. Enjoy.

How is BMS.co.in? What help should it provide in future?
I appreciate this initiative taken by BMS.co.in, I would be very glad to be a part of this association even in the near future. BMS rocks.. cheerzz !!

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