What Are The Methods of Testing Advertising Effectiveness?




Measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaign

  • Advertising Campaign:

It has been defined as series of advertisement having the same theme & published within specific-period.


  • Meaning of testing Advertising Effectiveness:

Testing advertising effectiveness means measuring or evaluation the success with which the advertising campaign has been carried out.



There are two testing methods used for the advertising effectiveness there are:

  1. Pre-testing methods
  2. Post-testing methods


Pre-testing methods:

The various pre-testing methods of checking advertising effectiveness are as:

  1. Checklist method
  2. Consumer-jury survey
  3. Sales-Area Test
  4. Portfolio Test
  5. Mechanical/Lab Test


  • Checklist method:

It is a simple & extensively used method for pre-testing advertising. In this method a list of essential elements in an ideal advertisement are first prepared. This is called checklist.


  • Consumer-jury survey:

In this method a group of consumers is selected. They are show the layout at and copy of the advertisement either directly or through film. The juror is instructed to rank the advertisement in terms of his likes & dislike. The jury member rates the advertisement with reference to the headline illustration & the copy of the advertisements.


  • Sales-Area Test:

In this method the ad campaign is run on a small scale (an experimental basis) for judging its effectiveness. The procedure is to run the campaign with different appeals in separate comparable market for a particular period of time. The impact of the campaign is evaluated in terms of comparing the actual sales made in different markets.


  • Portfolio Test:

Here respondents are given dummy portfolio of ads & asked to take as much time as they want to read them. After putting those down the respondents are asked to recall the ads they saw.


  • Mechanical/Lab Test:

The most common devices used for testing advertising are:

  1. Eye-movement camera
  2. Tachistoscope


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