Sunny Dhruva, Thakur College


Name – Sunny Dhruva
College – Thakur College

Tell us about yourself

I am kind and friendly usually. I like to make new friends, like to help my friends when they need me. I am very talkative, fun-loving and love my family and friends, learn and try out new stuff and dislike people who lie.
Tell us about your college

My college is Thakur College of Science and Commerce. I like all my faculties of the college. My 1st Sem Business Communication teacher Ms. Jyothi is a very good teacher.
When did you join BMS? Which year you are in?

I joined BMS in the year 2010 and now I am in SYBMS.

What inspired you to choose BMS and not any other course?

BMS is the best course for management and it has wide options open and even the people in the Science background are coming in BMS.

According to you, what is BMS all about?

BMS is all about management, not only that but also stuff which you can use in your daily life like the management principles which are required in any organization. Also BMS gives you a very short experience about MBA.

What was the happiest moment in BMS? The saddest? The most memorable?

The happiest moment in BMS was when we had the BMS fest, it was like it was within the college and didn’t involve other colleges, but this time we are planning to make it inter-collegiate and the fresher’s party was awesome. The saddest moment is my Semester II because I hate Maths. 😉 The presentations are good for memories like for the first one you are scared and not confident and your teacher gives you support ad tells you go ahead and you can do it or you can give after a while.

Who in your life has influenced the most?

My parents have influenced my life the most. They give me anything I need and want. They might not agree with me in the initial time and oppose me but at the right time I will get the things required by me. My dad helps me in everything I want and he is like a friend to me. I can rely on him for anything. And my mom is a bit emotional but she is the best cook. I don’t really like to eat from out but my mom is the best cook, so Home Sweet Home! 🙂
As a BMS student, what changes would you like to bring in management education?

As a BMS student, I feel there should be more of practical subjects and Accounts also should be there. This would help those BMS students to do CA because it becomes difficult to take up CA after such a heavy dosage of theory subjects on management.

What would you advice someone planning to do BMS?

Go for it! It’s a really very nice course.

What are your future plans?

MBA in Marketing and also do something in Accounting

Your feedback for

It’s a very nice website. It has more updates about what’s happening in every college like the recent fests and upcoming events which makes it amazing.

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