What Are The Features of Career Planning?


Career Planning



Career planning involves deciding on the career goals of the employees and the route to achieve those career goals.
* Career planning of the employee is supplemented by the organisation.
* It is continuous and for long term, where goals of the individuals are harmonised with the goals of the organisation.
* The objective of career planning is to ensure not only succession in the organisation but also to ensure that the skills of all the employees are utilised to the optimum extent.
* Career planning is time consuming and needs lot of foresight and imagination.
*  The goals, aptitude and the capacity of the individual are kept in mind before planning the career.
* The organisation tries to create a conducive environment to help employees plan their careers properly.
* Career planning is an integral part of human resource planning.
* There are certain steps that have to followed while planning the career .The steps would generally involve the following-
I. Identifying the aptitude and the career goals of the employees.
II. Finding out the career growth opportunities available to each and every employee in the organisation.
III. Trying to match individual aspirations with career growth opportunities available with the organisation.
IV. Monitoring the career growth plans implemented.
V. Modifying the career growth plans in case of mismatch.


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