What are the Functions of an Ad Agency?



Ans.    Big agencies such as HTA, Lowe, O&M are called full service agencies because they are ONE STOP SHOP for all services that are offered to the clients. Today’s agencies are providing total communications packages for the clients’ brands. They are acting as the custodians of the client brands.

1.      Client Servicing : Also called “account executives”. Acts as the link between the agency and the client. He suggests what the client exactly wants to his ad agency. He is the person who carries the client brief and is also responsible for the approvals.

2.      Creative Department : Under the creative director are a team of copywriters and visualisers who arrive at the “big idea”. Accordingly the storyboard is prepared and scriptwork is done. The final layout is sent for approval to the client.

3.      Production Department : The production department is responsible to convert the storyboard into a finished layout if its for print medium or Outdoor. However the TVC will be outsourced to a production house (eg. Prasoon Pandey’s HIGHLIGHT FILMS). The final storyboard is made into a technical storyboard before it is sent for shooting.

4.      Media Department  : The Media Planner alongwith Media manager and brand manager of the client prepares the final media budget and purchases insertions for print media (space buying) or purchases radio spots or purchases TV time if its on television. Appropriate media mix is developed.

5.      Research Department  : In fact research department functions before and after a commercial is made for pretesting and post-testing of media respectively. Consumer insights and brand usages are also tested at times, according to client in many instances.

6.      Finance Department : This department looks after the accounts (financial records) for the agency.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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