What are the different types of Advertisements?



Ans.    The types of advertisements can broadly be classified into three types:


1) Consumer Advertising

2) Advertising to Business and Profession

3) Non-product Advertising

These are basically nothing but product or service advertisements directed towards the consumer or the customer as such. Such advertisements can be in the form of national or local advertisements also.

Such kind of advertisements uses emotional or rational appeal in their advertisement.

Advertisements such as that of DeBeers, pizza hut etc use the emotional appeal to attract the consumers. On the other hand advertisements such as the Kawasaki bajaj caliber, Vim Bar etc. use the rational appeal to address its target audience.

The advertisement of DeBeers uses an emotional appeal because the statement “I have my feet firmly planted on the ground except when I’m wearing the millennium diamond” suggests that by wearing them u can fly high in the sky and feel like what Urmila does in the advertisement


            Advertising to Business or Profession :

This type of advertising is aimed at resellers and professionals. The media used here is direct mail or professional magazines. These are ads which are not directed towards the final consumers.

Corporate ads are also a part of these types of ads. The target groups of corporate advertising are most often customers, stockholders, employees, financial institutions, political leaders and government. The objectives of the corporate or the institutional ads may be to establish or boost corporate identity and image, counter negative attitudes towards a company, industry or to promote and relate the company to some worthwhile social public interest cause. The recent Aditya Birla group campaign would fit into this category.



In this type of advertising advertisements depicting an idea, a social cause etc is included. Surrogate advertisements are also a part of such non- product advertisements.

Forms of Advertising :

1.      Institutional Advertising: This advertising speaks about an organizations corporate image.

Public sector ad’s like SAIL, VIZAG STEEL.

2.      Brand advertising: This advertising helps in the long-term build up of a brand.

HLL’s ad’s for LUX, LIRIL, REXONA.

3.      Classified Advertising: This advertising gives information dissemination about a sale

MID-DAY NEWSPAPER or TOI classified section

4.      Promotional Advertising: This advertising informs an announcement about a sale.

ADIDAS offering 50% DISCOUNT on sneakers.

5.      Advocacy Advertising: This advertising is used to publicize a particular cause.  All the social ads fall into this category.



Classified on Geographical Spread :

6.      National Advertising: Advertising that is done in one nation only.

Dabur Ads or Nirma Ads


7.      Local Advertising: Advertising that is carried out in a particular region or market.

BRU and AMRUTANJAN selected campaign directed towards consumers in South India.

8.      Global Advertising: Advertising that is carried on for a company or a product globally.

I’m loving it was a global ad released by McDonalds


On the basis of Target Group:

9.      Consumer Advertising: Advertising that is directed towards the consumer directly.

All FMCG product ads like P&G, NESTLE etc.

10.    Industrial Advertising: Advertising that is directed by Industrial Goods Manufacturer to his target group.

SKF BEARINGS direct their ads in Industrial Journals to TELCO etc.

11.    Trade Advertising: In this type of advertising, the ads are directed to the Initiator rather than the end user of the product.

Most Pharmaceutical companies direct their ads in Medical journals to Doctors, who prescribe the medicines to the patients.

12.    Informative Advertising: This advertising figures heavily in the Introduction stage of a product, where the primary objective is to build demand.

MOTOROLA Ads for pagers, explaining how to use them (providing information).

13.    Persuasive Advertising: Persuasive Advertising figures heavily in the Growth Stage of Product Life Cycle, where the company’s objective is to build selective demand for a particular brand. Some Persuasive Advertising has now taken the form of COMPARISON ADVERTISING, which seeks to establish the superiority of one brand, through specific comparison with one or more brands in the same product class. AKAI TV ads compared the brand with 6 competitor brands.

14.    Reminder Advertising: This advertising is highly important in the mature stage of the product to keep the consumer thinking about the product. Fevicol campaigns act as a reminder form of advertising, bonding Fevicol with consumers as the strongest Adhesive

A related form of advertising is REINFORCEMENT ADVERTISEMENT,
which seeks to assure current purchasers that they have made the right choice. MARUTI SUZUKI ads tell that the CONSUMER is a part of 1,00,000 happy customers.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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