What Are The Contents of Project Report?


Project Report



Contents of Project Report:

                               In addition to the details of the feasibility studies, a project report contains some background information about the industry to which the project belongs & the enterprise submitting the report. It gives a complete analysis of the inputs & outputs of the project. A project report, generally contains the following information;


         Objectives, scope of the report & product description.


Background of the Promoters/entrepreneurs-

          Entrepreneurs personal information – name, address, age, family background, educational qualifications, work experience, project related experience, investment potential etc.



           Details of product to be produced, details of product uses & application, product specifications, product idea, proposed idea, proposed product mix, product standard etc.


Market & Marketing-

            Market potential analysis, users of product, major buyers, area to be covered (local, regional, national, international), estimated selling price of the product, distribution channels to be adopted, trade practices, sales promotion devices, proposed market research, trade practice & trade channels adopted by the competitors, demand analysis.



            Exact location of the project, various alternatives available which have been examined, criteria for selecting the location, locational advantages etc.


Production Process-

             Manufacturing process, details of technology, process flow chart, production programme, project network etc.


Raw Material-

             List of raw materials required in terms of quantity & quality, sources of raw material, cost of raw material, properties of raw material etc.



             Power, water, steam sources & costs, effluent disposal etc.


Transport & Communication-

             Method, possibility of getting & transport costs.


Manpower Requirement-

               Requirement of skilled, semi-skilled personnel, technical & non-technical personnel, administrative/managerial staff & marketing personnel – sources of procurement etc., capacity suppliers cost, alternatives available, cost of miscellaneous assets.


Land & Building-

               Requirement of land area, construction area, cost of construction, detailed plan, plant layout along with cost, building construction schedule.


Plant & Machinery-

                Details of machinery & equipments required.


Cost of Project & Source of Finance-

                 Break up of project cost in terms of cost of fixed assets (land, building, plant, machinery, furniture etc) Working Capital required (margin money for working capital) preliminary & pre-operative expensis, contingencies & arrangements for meeting the cost of project (share capital, debenture, term loans etc.)


Financial Viability of the Project-

                  Cost of production & profitability for the first year, break even analysis & analysis of cash flow & fund flow statements.



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