Jump on an Idea Quickly With These 5 Tips



As an aspiring entrepreneur, you might come across many ideas. It’s totally your call to decide which idea should be developed into  a viable business. However, if you are struggling to find out the best one of the lot no need to panic, the following are the 5 tips which can help you jump on an idea quickly.

1- Take your brain off the cliff.


As soon as you come across a brilliant idea, you need to mind map it. Imagine it quickly. It gives you the self-confidence and power to move forward in that direction. Put it on paper. Plan the nature and boundaries of your idea.

2- Incite your fire.


Are you obsessed with your idea? Are you compulsive enough to stay till the end? Are you persistent? How will you take failure? etc are some of the questions you need to ask before stepping into entrepreneurship. Incite your passion and form a plan that compels you.

3- Back into it.


List down the things that needs to be done in proper manner. Go in a reverse order if you are creating a new product. Strive hard as success will not come to knock your door. Execution is the main and the most important element of successful products and companies. Execution is like a bridge, it takes you from where you’re to where you wish to be. Proper and viable execution is necessary or else the bridge is too weak to walk on.

4- Game emotions


Sometimes, in entrepreneurship you need to game emotions. Whenever you achieve something make sure you don’t forget to reward yourself. Appreciate yourself and encourage to perform even better. However, appreciating one-self is different from self-praising. Don’t let over confidence dwell in your mind as you grow. Instead,tell yourself  “I am moving one step closer to my goal and getting excited about it”

5- Make it 48


Mind it. If you are not putting your idea into action within 48 hours, wrap it up. You are not interested in it. Scrap it and move onto something that ignites you.

As a entrepreneurial road are fill with ideas and minds of entrepreneurs as idea-generator. It’s a wrong notion that only a few can come up with innovative and creative idea. Everyone has ideas but the only thing that differentiates entrepreneurs from conventional is the ability to jump on a viable business idea QUICKLY!

-Vatsal Doshi 

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I'm a guy who loves to learn as long as I like it. Else than that, I like to blog, play games, listen to music and make new friends. Passionate about football. My motto- "Spread happiness as it's free of cost!" :)


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