BMS Ko Bol Dunga: Am I A Graduate Am I Not?


bms ko bol dunga received a very frustrated cry for help from a student of J.S.S.P Arts, Commerce & Science College, Kalyan (w). We have not yet received our Sem 6 results, he said.

It takes time to reach all college’s we tried to pacify him but then he explained that he was not talking about the Hard copy, he didn’t even know weather he has passed or what his grade was! Hopeless as it sounded, when we pondered further we found out that they did approach the Mumbai University and there they were told it’s because your college hasn’t submitted the internal marks & lower divisional marks data.

But their BMS section head showed the acknowledgement he has received stating that the university has received the marks. The blame game keeps on playing and as a result the students suffer.

A similar case had happened with them during Sem 5 and now as the scenario breaks out into a repeat telecast these students have lost a year of making any kind of future plans. No employer will take them nor will they be applicable to any post graduate course, where should these students go?

Incidents like this make us wonder at the upsetting state of affairs for BMS students, sincerely hopes that the results are out and they get to carry on with their career plans uninterrupted!

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