20 Topmost Consumer Brands in India (As per 2014)


A brand that is well known has cracked some really great numbers. These numbers are in terms of nothing but sales turnover, profits, consumer reach, market penetration and frequency of purchases. It has to be the most efficient and best in all of those parameters for it have the upper edge. Yes, Colgate is one of them, which is why people, both from rural as well as urban divisions of the country ask for Colgate rather than resorting to the privilege of enquiring about different brands of toothpastes available.

Kantar Worldpanel is one of the best companies in marketing research and analytics. In simpler words, it deal into consumer knowledge and insights based on consumer panels.  This company’s Brand Footprint presents a global ranking of the most chosen consumer brands ever year.  It has enlisted top 20 brands of 2014 as per their rankings based on consumer reach points, market penetration and frequency.


Consumer Reach Points: Estimated number of the potential customers, which are possible to reach through a an advertising medium or a promotional campaign.

Penetration: The size of population actually buying the brand.

Frequency: The number of times shopper bought the brand.



1. Colgate

Consumer reach points: 1,294

Penetration: 85.6%

Frequency: 6.5

Sales Turnover: Rs. 3,600 Cr (As of March ’14)

Net Profit: Rs. 540 Cr (As of March ’14)





2. Parle

Consumer reach points: 1,020

Penetration: 70.0%

Frequency: 6.3




3. Wheel

Consumer reach points: 1,014

Penetration: 64.9%

Frequency: 6.7




4. Clinic Plus

Consumer reach points: 870

Penetration: 73.7%

Frequency: 5.1





5. Ghadi

Consumer reach points: 774

Penetration: 39.6%

Frequency: 8.4





6. Fair & lovely

Consumer reach points: 756

Penetration: 64.9%

Frequency: 5.0





7. Lifebuoy

Consumer reach points: 731

Penetration: 69.5%

Frequency: 4.5





8. Tata Salt

Consumer reach points: 580

Penetration: 41.9%

Frequency: 5.9





9. Lux

Consumer reach points: 554

Penetration: 63.1%

Frequency: 3.8





10. Rin

Consumer reach points: 455

Penetration: 41.4%

Frequency: 4.7





11. Vim

Consumer reach points: 443

Penetration: 38.8%

Frequency: 4.9





12. Parachute

Consumer reach points: 417

Penetration: 38.9%

Frequency: 4.6





13. Maggi

Consumer reach points: 414

Penetration: 36.5%

Frequency: 4.9






14. Santoor

Consumer reach points: 400

Penetration: 31.3%

Frequency: 5.5





15. Tide

Consumer reach points: 346

Penetration: 40.3%

Frequency: 3.7


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16. Chik

Consumer reach points: 320

Penetration: 31.4%

Frequency: 4.4





18. Surf

Consumer reach points: 290

Penetration: 29.8%

Frequency: 4.2





19. Brooke Bond

Consumer reach points: 289

Penetration: 30.2%

Frequency: 4.1





20. Nirma

Consumer reach points: 288

Penetration: 31.2%

Frequency: 4.1



Sales turnover and net profits of Colgate is as per moneycontrol.com

The ranking is as per Kantar Worldpanel 


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Devansh Thakker
An accidental science student but a self-acclaimed business and management geek. A man in the middle of his ladder. From my perspective, it simply means I am an undergraduate close enough to complete my graduation (BMS), with a little experience in business. Why BMS.co.in? Two reasons: 1. An emerging interest in writing brought me here, 2. What could be better than contributing to my own community first? Listening to music while travelling is awesome. Writing rhymes is another pastime. A strategy games lover, especially Defense of the Ancients and Age of Empires. Fitness is a must.


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