Work Smart, Not Hard – 10 Time Management Tips For BMS Students


Work Smart, Not Hard – 10 Time Management Tips For BMS Students


Proper management of time is necessary for BMS students. BMS students need to manage their time to perform well in their academics as well as extracurricular activities. Here are a few tips that will help you manage time effectively.

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  1. Be organised.

Organise your books and study material on your study table and use time saving tools like to-do lists. Use calendars to mark important dates and events so that you don’t need to waste time later on remembering those dates.

  1. Prepare schedules, Time tables and stick to them.

The best way to manage time is to make a schedule for the whole day. Decide how long will a task take and plan accordingly. During exam time, make time tables and allot each subject a particular time accordingly.

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  1. Prioritize your tasks.

List down your tasks and segregate them based on their priority and importance. Do those tasks first and complete them. Don’t postpone small tasks as they provide a sense of accomplishment. Also, overlooked small tasks can become a large task later on.

  1. Avoid overload.

Excess study activities will only waste your time in the long run. So save some time in your schedule for rest and leisure activities. Take short breaks between study times.  Don’t plan all studying activities together in one day. Keep them flexible.

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  1. Apply effective study techniques.

Prepare a short summary of chapters which will help you understand it when you study. Make notes and pointers while studying. Highlight the important things in your textbook. Doing all this will help you save time when you study for your exams.

  1. Set a time limit for your tasks.

Speed is very important for a BMS student while solving papers. Set appropriate time periods and limits for your tasks and try not to exceed these limits as far as possible. Try reducing the time taken for a task to save time later on.

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  1. Don’t waste time on unnecessary things.

Stick to your schedules and don’t spare any time on unneeded activities. You can also use time effectively by reading newspapers or read a book while travelling. Compromise and stop doing activities that are not helpful.

  1. Avoid procrastination.

Whenever you get an assignment, don’t wait for the last minute. Start early to avoid panic. Break the task into small bits and do them one at a time. This will save time and make your work more qualitative.   

  1. Build in flexibility

Keep your schedules flexible and keep some free time. It will help you work in a better manner and avoid wastage of time during an unseen obstacle like sickness. If you have some free time, do the tasks planned for future.

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  1. Get at least 6-9 hours of sleep.

 If you have more or less sleep than you should have, you may start lacking in your coursework and become lazy because of the urge or want to sleep.

These are a few things you can implement in your daily routine to avoid wastage of time.


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Rhea Shetty

I started out as a science student,But then I wanted to do something which showcases my creativity and not just book knowledge. So I choose BMS and here I am excelling in every field. BMS is the best decision I have ever made. Hoping to help everyone with my posts.


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