Five-Year-Old Girl Doesn’t Want Her Baby Brother to Grow Up



Kids, they grow up so fast, don’t they?

It’s not just parents who struggle with that reality, but big brothers and sisters, too. Just ask 5-year-old Sadie from Phoenix, Arizona, who is heartbroken at the very thought of her 3-month-old brother eventually growing up.

To show what a devoted big sister Sadie is, here is a picture of her reading to her brother.sadiecarson-reading_1072a63a9e5a26e41474d3388ba966ba.nbcnews-ux-720-700

“He’s so cute!” she sobs in a YouTube video.

Donning an adorable Princess Sofia dress, Sadie also grapples with her own mortality. “And I don’t want to die when I’m a hundred!” she cries.

Her little brother Carson just smiles, clearly loving the attention, and his big sister can’t help but wrap her arms around him: “I love your cute little smiles. Oh my gosh! I want him to stay little.”

“She’s cried about not wanting to get older herself in the past, but this was the first time she was upset about her brother,” her father Ryan Miller said in a statement provided by his brother Alex Miller. “The funny thing is that this was totally out of the blue – we have no idea what prompted it.”

The video was posted to YouTube on Monday and has already garnered more than 4 million views.


And here they are sound asleep. Life may speed by, Sadie, but you’ve created a memory that will last forever.


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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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