Passion Should Be The NEW FASHION



So confused about where will you lend up once after completing your graduation degree? Or just looking out for good options that are better than an MBA or other “herd following diplomas”.

Apart from these some may have planned to work out a year, earn some petty cash or join dad’s business for the sake of helping him or building a repute in the family.

While others are still in a dilemma jumping from options to options, advices to suggestions or sitting in a corner keeping everything on fate that would lend them somewhere.

Guys chill out, relax and do what you are passionate about instead of going in the field and doing something that you are actually told to do.

Don’t do something that you are interested in……Yes… heard me right!!!

Because interest is a thing that you can tend to loose with age and other natural phenomenon.

I have heard people saying ” Do what interests you” But my fellow brother, sister, interest is an attribute that may not last forever.

So now what is suitable for you?

The answer is


“Do what you are passionate about”


Ya. That’s what the real success mantra.

Passion is a thing that lasts forever irrespective of the circumstances.

It is a strong liking to do something.

You may be passionate about teaching, socializing, playing or may be even talking.

People who follow their passion rather than their “interest” are always more successful than the interest oriented ones.

It may be possible that your interest may be a passion but your passion would never be in numbers.

It would be one and if you scrap out many, they are your interests not your passion.

Thus before planning out something, identify what your passion is and then jump in the field that allows you to pursue your passion.

You may find your passion wrapped in the memories of you childhood or you may find the essence enclosed in the happiness of the present.

Passion may be by the virtue of your birth or by the virtue of the environment you are brought up.

Following your passion and making it your occupation will reap the best out of you that’s for what today’s industries look for.

Lastly Make Sure that: Passion becomes your fashion 😉





Murtaza Rupawala

BCCA’s Institute of Management Studies

(Burhani College)

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