Mouth Watering Mousse Recepies.


I don’t think there are many other desserts quite as elegant, beautiful, or delicious as a good mousse. Mousses are basically a base + setting element + cream type of dessert. It’s a dessert that incorporates air bubbles to give it a light and airy texture. It can range from light and fluffy to creamy and thick, depending on preparation techniques. There are a range of ways to prepare and serve mousse, making it an extremely varied dish. Many cookbooks have recipes for this dish, and it is also possible to find specific recipes online, whether a cook has a passion for pumpkin or asparagus mousse. Here are some of the mouth watering reciepies you might enjoy.

  1. Easy chocolate mousse



  • 150 grams mini marshmallows
  • 50 grams soft butter
  • 250 grams good dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa solids) chopped into small pieces
  • 60 ml hot water
  • 284 ml double cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. Put the marshmallows, butter, chocolate and water in a heavy-based saucepan.
  2. Put the saucepan on the hob, over heat, though keep it fairly gentle, to melt the contents, stirring every now and again. Remove from the heat.
  3. Meanwhile, whip the cream with the vanilla extract until thick, and then fold into the cooling chocolate mixture until you have a smooth, cohesive mixture.
  4. Pour or scrape into 4 glasses or ramekins, about 175ml / ¾ cup each in capacity, or 6 smaller (125ml / ½ cup) ones, and chill until you want to eat.
    The sooner the better!
  1. White Chocolate Mousse with Rum



  • 4 oz white chocolate, coarsely chopped
  • 2 large eggs, plus 2 large egg yolks
  • 1 cup/240 ml heavy (whipping)/double cream
  • 1 envelope (2 1/2 tsp) unflavored gelatin
  • 3 tbsp light rum
  • 18 to 24 fresh raspberries


  1. Fill the bottom of a double boiler with enough water to reach the bottom of the top pan and insert the top pan. Bring the water to a simmer over medium-high heat, then reduce the heat to medium-low.
  2. Put the white chocolate in the top bowl of the double boiler and heat, stirring frequently with a rubber spatula, until the chocolate is thoroughly melted and smooth.
  3. In the top half of the double boiler, combine the eggs and egg yolks. Whisk to blend, then place over the simmering water. Cook, whisking occasionally, until warm to the touch, 3 to 5 minutes.
  4. While the eggs and chocolate are on the stove top, in a medium bowl, using an electric mixer, beat the cream until stiff peaks form.
  5. Add the gelatin and melted chocolate to the eggs. Beat the mixture until thoroughly blended. Mix in the rum. Using a rubber spatula, gently fold in the whipped cream.
  6. Divide the mousse into 6 shallow dessert bowls or wineglasses. When ready to serve, garnish each dessert with 3 or 4 fresh raspberries. Serve chilled.
  1. Strawberry Mousse

Strawberry-mousse (1)


  • 1 envelope unflavored gelatine
  • 1/4 cup amaretto
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 pint strawberries, hulled and sliced
  • 1/2 cup sugar


  1. In small glass measure, sprinkle gelatine over amaretto; set aside 5 minutes, or until gelatine softens.
  2. Meanwhile, in small bowl of electric mixer, at high speed, beat cream cheese until stiff; refrigerate. In skillet, over low heat, toss strawberries with sugar until sugar dissolves–about 3 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat; stir in gelatine mixture until blended. Cool to room temperature; fold in whipped cream. Makes about 4 cups.
  4. Frosting: 2 cups heavy cream 1/4 cup confectioner’s sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract In large bowl of electric mixer, at high speed, beat ingredients until mixture is stiff. Frost cake. Makes about 4 cups.
  5. Garnish and serve.
  1. Oreo Mousse Recipe



  • One sixteen ounce package of Oreo cookies
  • Two tablespoons of milk
  • Two tablespoons of melted butter
  • ½ cup of heavy cream
  • Two cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • Two cups of whipped cream


  1. Crush about fifteen Oreos and spread across the bottom of an 8-inch square baking dish. You may need to use a few more Oreos depending on the exact size of the dish.
  2.  Mix the melted butter and milk together and drizzle over the Oreos.
  3. Combine the semi-sweet chocolate chips and the heavy cream into a microwave safe mixing bowl.
  4. Microwave for 30 seconds and then stir. Repeat this until the chocolate is melted.
  5. Stir the mixture until it is smooth. Allow it to cool to room temperature.
  6. Pour the mixture into a large mixing bowl. Add the whipped cream and fold in until it is completely combined.
  7. Pour about one third of the mixture into the baking dish. Put about eight or nine cookies on top of the mousse. Repeat this step until all the mousse has been used.
  8. Cover the baking dish a keep in the refrigerator until ready to use, at least three hours.
  9. Garnish with remaining Oreos and serve.


-Tanvi Shah





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