MBA in India is highly overrated?


MASTERS OF BUSINESS ADMINISTARTION (M.B.A) has substantial role to play in today’s job industry as every industry seeks expertise in sales and marketing from their individuals. No matter what is the nature of the industry, there have always been desperate needs to sell their products.

Every company believes that good administrator will reap good results through his positive and realistic thinking. MBA is one of the highly reputed degrees for business all over the world. MBA has got everything one needs and would require to deal with the business issues. That is the reason that it is one of the most reputed and highly pursued courses in India as well as all over the world.

If MBA in India is overrated, there is a solid reason behind it. Our Business schools are among the best in the world. The IIMs are the most sought after B schools in the world level. Also as these days IIM students are highest paid amongst others, it has to be overrated.

Yes it’s true that MBA in India is highly overrated this may be due to the high salary packages given to the individuals after completing MBA. These days everyone wants to do MBA and the main reason for this is that the scope of growth in this field is much more when compared to any other field. Also it’s open for any graduate from any field for e.g. the scope for simple arts graduate is nowhere but when the same graduate completes his MBA from any top b school of India his importance is much more increased. Not only graduates but also software engineers are moving towards MBA because of promising growth as well as high salary packages.

In INDIA, the concept of M.B.A is mushrooming with great altitude and there are many institutes and universities coming up with their agenda. If it is accomplished with merit then it’s a boon or it’s just a formality that will surely ends up much ahead from our mediocre competitors.

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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