Gerrard Relieved Of Horrific Tackles And No Injuries.



England v Honduras: Steven Gerrard hits out at ‘horrific’ tackling during World Cup warm-up.

Steven Gerrard accused Honduras players of committing “horrific” tackles as tempers flared during England’s final pre-World Cup friendly in Miami, a match which was interrupted for 43 minutes by an electrical storm.

The captain was furious with Honduras, and American referee Ricardo Salazar, who sent off Brayan Beckeles for two yellow card offences in the second half. It was said that they received rough treatment.

He said: “There were some horrific tackles and we are just relieved there were no injuries. I certainly got one and so did some of the others. The referee was poor. I don’t understand a referee who can see a player blast the ball at Daniel Sturridge and not be sent off.” As commented on ESPN

And as the comment from Hodgson said: “It was one of the most frustrating games I’ve been involved in.” The match was delayed for 43 minutes when Salazar took the players off the field for their own safety as an electrical storm struck”.



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