Friendship Is Not A Big Thing, It’s A Million Little Things!


Friendship Is Not A Big Thing, It’s A Million Little Things!

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What do you mean by friendship? Why friends are so important in our lives?

Friendship is a mutual affection between two or more people. Friends are the people who are strangers for the first time, but later they became like a family to us. We tend to be there for each other in every situation. We call our friends with different names, we pull each other’s leg, we enjoy when during lectures ma’am is scolding our friend and we are sitting and trying to make them laugh. Friends are those persons who take all your melodrama over and over again 😛 From childhood, we are in an atmosphere where we have to survive in a class, we have to have some friends to share our views with. Friends are a true blessing from God. (Agar life mein dost nah ho toh zindagi kya hai).

We all have different-different personalities. We usually have much bonding with the people who have the same characteristics as well as views like us. Each person has that type of a friend who can help you in the middle of the night also, who are just a call ahead. We also have such friends who always keep motivating us to achieve all goals in life. We also have such friends who are so close to you that you don’t even have to tell them the whole story they will figure it out just looking at your mood. Having a true friend around you can make your life beautiful. There are different groups of friends in our life: some are the scholar ones from whom we can take the notes 😛 , some are those who are always ready to hang out or party hard, some are those who are always like talking to you for benefits and later bitch behind your back. Everyone has good as well as bad experiences regarding friends. Personally I have a good experience in staying in different types of friend circles. Friends are those people whom we tell our secrets if it is sharing about our first crush/ love (which we are usually not comfortable to share with our parents).

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Friends are like a second family to us. When our family are not able to understand us, friends are always there to help us out with all their silly, sarcastic, weird, but sometimes wise solutions. Friends are sometimes acting as a life saviour when we get into a really shitty situation (you know). For me my friends are always the best part of my life after my family 😀 Friends do fight but those fights build the relation stronger than before. My life is full of these sweet candy crushes (My friends) who have brightened my life with the fireworks J They have supported me on my depressed days and even in my happiest days. They have seen me falling and even they have seen me raising from a dark night to a bright day. I love my pals no matter what they are and how they are, all are unique, different and special in their own ways and I feel truly blessed to have such adorable people around me every day. Friendship has no boundaries sometimes they grew to love, sometimes to best friends. Nor there is a limit of any age gap to have friends, they can be anyone from anywhere to whom you can share your pretty little mischiefs to your biggest joys or with whom you want to travel the whole world or it can be people who are with you in your scary pranks.

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Therefore, Friends play an important role in our lives. They can motivate us, guide us to the right path even they can influence us to something which is not right. But having a true friend with you will never judge you at any point, he/she will only tell you your mistakes and try to correct you so that you don’t do it again but they will never be judged to you like others. Friends for me is a necessity in my life with whom I can share all my emotions with an open heart. Friends are those who believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself. A best friend is the one person who knows that you’re crazy but loves you always.

Stay blessed, be happy because YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE!


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Archana Negi


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