3 Laws of Networking for Every Fresh Indian Graduate


Which is the first thought that crosses your mind when you hear the word “networking”?  Is it flashing your CV on naukri.com? Chase connections on LinkedIn? Or is it just incorporating your current job details on facebook profile that creates an imperceptible impression for friends from the industry? Straight off, networking in corporate life is another name of politics. Well, all of those little social media strategies are still a part of the overall art of networking but not as important as various other elements. If you say, that showing off is not your way of marketing yourself then this article will fall totally bias against you. Because, if you are just a mere onlooker of your own work by not working on building relations and flaunting your work in the industry, you’re probably one of those fit to be in a family business, either yours or others’, in which sadly, there lies no competition and growth.

Once you agree and accept the actual way of networking, the question that emerges is which point to start from? Or, what laws of networking must be followed?


  1. Show off your work at the right time:

“I can flaunt my work, but what about the right time”? Absence of any sort of distractions is utterly important. These can range from your personal distractions like whatsapping as well as external distractions like jealous colleagues. Jealous colleagues are a part of life. But you must ensure that you’ve identified them well and keep away from such stones to stop you on your journey of success.


  1. Grab the presentations:

Presentations in an office are always on a roll. No matter how big or small the presentation project is, they must be handled by you. The catch is, that the presentations are always seen as a show and the presenter as the stellar of the show. If the presentation was effective enough then several recognitions are going to follow you while leaving that conference room. This trail is unexpected but contains upfront offers of connections. Seize them!





  1. Ask for reviews or feedbacks:

Asking for feedback is the arrow that hits multiple targets. Always ask your seniors about your work. Make them believe that you want to learn and without their feedback, the task will be incomplete. Make sure that it’s not a mere excel sheet. Let it be a PowerPoint presentation, documentary, speech or any written work as the means of connection and better understanding between two individuals. A need for review from someone is perceived by him or her as a respectful request. Genuine feedbacks will be the jackpot and if the response is not natural, smile, thank and leave.

Share your work and let them apply their perspective to your work.  In the process of networking, there will be many perks linked to it. These perks will be immediately dispatched to you, which are useful for the remaining and forthcoming part of a successful career or profession.

Being advent has always been the professional’s way of networking.



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Devansh Thakker
An accidental science student but a self-acclaimed business and management geek. A man in the middle of his ladder. From my perspective, it simply means I am an undergraduate close enough to complete my graduation (BMS), with a little experience in business. Why BMS.co.in? Two reasons: 1. An emerging interest in writing brought me here, 2. What could be better than contributing to my own community first? Listening to music while travelling is awesome. Writing rhymes is another pastime. A strategy games lover, especially Defense of the Ancients and Age of Empires. Fitness is a must.


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