Environmental Management


Environmental Management

Environmental management is not, as the phrase could suggest, the management of the environment as such, but rather the management of interaction by the modern human societies with, and impact upon the environment.

The need for environmental management can be viewed from a variety of perspectives. A more common philosophy and impetus behind environmental management is the concept of carrying capacity.

The carrying capacity of a biological species in an environment is the population size of the species that the environment can sustain indefinitely, given the food, habitat,water and other necessities available in the environment. For the human population, more complex variables such as sanitation and medical care are sometimes considered as part of the necessary establishment.

Environment management is the management not for environment sake but for humankind sake.
Environment management involves the management of all components of the bio-physical environment that is the living and non-living component as both are inter-connected to each other and if any of the link gets harmed or destroyed the whole cycle will get destroy and the human kind will suffer. As the environment is so kind hearted to give but if harmed its the disastrous thing which a person would ever see.

Environment effects——-

1) Environmental impact assessment—

This is a project wherein there will be a positive or negative impact on the environment consisting of natural,social and economic aspects.

2) Environmental impact statement–

It is a tool for decision making and describes the positive and negative environmental effects. Its for detailed information concerning significant environmental effects.

3) Environment degradation—

It is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air,water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife.

4) Environment sustainability—

It is the capacity to endure. In ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time and it can be applied from local to global scale.


I m not a has-been I m a will-be

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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