Retail Management October 2013 University Question Paper


OCT 2013 SEM 6


Q1 Explain Stock keeping unit.                                                                             3marks


 Q2 Explain Variety and Assortment.                                                                    3marks


Q 3 Explain Markdown pricing.                                                                              3marks


 Q4 Explain Store Label.                                                                                          3marks


 Q5 Explain Single brand outlet.                                                                            3marks


Q 6 Analyze the case and answer the following questions:
A management student has pioneered a tea in several varieties and flavours and started vending it from the canteen of her institute itself. The tea is being marketed in prepared form under the brand name ‘Refreshing Magic’. The student is not sure whether it can be sold in other place, so she has decided to leverage it to other management institutes through their canteens.
Looking at the Very nature of the product she is not sure how she should proceed so as to be successful. It has been suggested to her by her friends to improve the product presentation and set of a chain of tea outlets across management institutes in a phased manner.
(a) Do you feel that tea chains be limited to few management institutes? Justify your answer. (7marks)
(b) What kind of knowledge of consumer behaviour is necessary to be collected through research to ensure success of retailing to the above product? (3marks).



 Q7 What do you mean by retail management? Discuss the role and importance of retailer in today’s scenario.                                                                                            10marks


Q 8 Define sustainable competitive advantage. Discuss the strategies adopted by a retailer to maintain the same.                                                                              10marks


 Q9 What is Merchandise planning? Explain its process in detail.                 10marks


 Q10 Write a short note on Airport Retiling.                                                          5marks


 Q11 Write a short note on Store Design.                                                             5marks


 Q12 Write a short note on Importance of locational decision in retail.                       5marks


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