Learn from Recovery Experiences


Learn from Recovery Experiences:-

   “Problem- resolution situations are more than just opportunities to fix flawed services and strengthen tie with customers. They are also a valuable – but frequently ignored or underutilized – sources of diagnostic, prescriptive information for improving customer’s services. By tracking service recovery efforts and solutions, managers can often learn about systematic problems in the delivery system that needs fixing. By conducting root-cause analysis, forms can identify the sources of the problem and modify processes, sometimes eliminating almost completely the need for recovery.

At the Ritz-Carlton employees record every service recovery opportunity and how it was handled; the employee who gets the complaint is required to do this. This information is then entered into the customer database and analyzed for patterns and systematic service issues that need to be fixed. If needed, a project team is assigned to a problematic area to develop a solution. In addition, the information is entered into the customers personal data file so that when that customer stays at the Ritz- Carlton again

(No matter what hotel), employees can be aware of the previous experience, ensuring that it doesn’t happen again for that particular customer.

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