Service Sector Management – TYBMS Sem 5 Important Questions Bank 2015


Hello TYBMS students,

We’ve been receiving many requests by students to publish some questions we think are important from the exam preparations perspective.

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We’re trying to collate and gather the data and would be updating it here ONE NIGHT before the exam,  that’s TONIGHT. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Also check : Chapter Wise Important Questions bank For Service Sector Management and Prelim Paper for Service Sector Marketing

  • Service Gap model
  • Characteristics, Features and Classification of Services
  • Reasons for growth of services in India and factors stimulating transformation of services
  • Zone of Tolerance and its significance on marketing of services
  • Branding of Services
  • Flower of Services
  • Moment of Truth, Service failure and Service Recovery
  • Service Trinity Triangle
  • Types of Buying Behaviour
  • Service Benchmarking
  • 7P’s of Service marketing and importance of people and physical evidence in services
  • Service Life Cycle
  • Positioning Service v/s goods and steps of service positioning
  • SERVQUAL Model
  • Strategies to increase service productivity
  • Service Blue Printing – Meaning, importance and steps
  • Service Benchmarking – Meaning, importance and steps

Let’s try to make this a two way exercise. While we gather the question banks, you might have some inputs on this too! Please use the comments box below and post questions that you think are important from your analysis. It would help the tybms community a lot.

How did your TYBMS SEM 5 Exams Go? Discuss Here.

Do subscribe to our updates so that you do not miss out on any important information that we push your way.

Best of luck guys!

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Kartik Raichura
Kartik Raichura is the founder and CEO of - the world's leading management education focused community platform. A business post graduate from Welingkar Institute of Management, Mumbai, Kartik Raichura has been an author, a public speaker, and a social worker. He's also the recipient of Star Young Entrepreneur Award and has addressed the audience at Tedx Indore.


  1. Hey, QB for HRM us a lot! Thank you very much for that.
    We are eagerly waiting for that. Hoping that you unlock it soon! Even let us know reason behind unlocking at night only?? Seriously unlocking QB of next paper while we are attempting paper(today) is really worth it. And yes! any plans for mobile APP it would be more handy..!

  2. Sir your Ssm qb was very useful almost full paper had been appeared from it…..and I to honestly studied your qb qts very thoroughly…,and I was benefited…..,Ty sir…..waiting for all qb of sem 5

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