Hey! Wanna Try This New Thing? It’s Called ‘Growing Up’


growing up

I’ve been caught quite in a dilemma here, and I cannot say which one of it is better? As for starters, let’s say a child is born with innocence and thoughtlessness but with due time the child starts exploring the world and soon gets totally aware of his surroundings and that is where he/she becomes a teenager.

    The thing with growing up is you do not realize what is better for you ! You do regret being a grown up or you might even miss your childhood but the truth is, even you are skeptic that, is maturity of adulthood better or innocence of childhood? Life is full of surprises and growing up is inevitable but tell me one thing do you regret being a fool looking at your old photos and your chat history or are you happy with those memories?

   I am pretty sure, every one of us would’ve said “Shit, I must have said that” “that’s a bummer right there”. I believe growing up is not a problem, but living that blindfolded life again would definitely be a problem. Now let me briefly explain to you the differences we have faced during this phase of life.

  Getting up in the morning with an alarm is no better than being picked up and made to go to the bathroom and that phrase while having breakfast “Hey wake up” with half of the food dripping down our mouth. Having lunch sitting alone outside the office will never be fun than stealing sandwiches from our friend(s) tiffin and just devouring it whole. Coming home late with dirty clothes from the playground will never replace the exhaustion of work life.

   I believe every phase of our lives has its own credibility, because no one can account which part of their lives they hold the dearest. No one can cease remembering the late night parties and the teenage crush and even the long drives where everyone just got lost and to invoke upon more friends just to encounter a haunted place and all that ludicrous fantasies.

  Agree with me or not, the realization we all have come through about every particular thing from friend(s) to our loved ones, Life has been a stratosphere of experiences and memories which have made us better than yesterday and tomorrow we will be more better than today.

 Because life is ever-changing and evolving and it will not stop until you die or you shut yourself down. So any opportunities, any difficulties let it flood you. You stand upright.

   Take Pride in how far you have come, and have Faith in how far you can go.


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