E-Commerce University Question Paper November 2011


1) Explain the following concepts in brief (3 marks each): 15 marks

a) Components of Website architecture

b) C2C

c) Firewall

d) Cryptography

e) Brick and Mort e-business model


2) Case Study – 15 marks

Banks today are aware of both the threat and the opportunity that the Web represents. But even a detailed and thoughtful approach to the Web does not guarantee business success. The main purpose behind the launching of online banking services is to provide the customers with an alternative, more responsive and with less expensive options. With options just a click away, customers have more control than ever. They expect real-time answers and superior usability. They also want personal attention and highly customized products and services. The focus of e-business must always be on the customer.

XYZ Bank a strong financial brand with more than 200 million customers, 8 million online relationships and a global reach. It has been perceived, as the edge of innovative leveraging its global expertise, it introduced e-business solutions like:

i) 24 hour phone banking service

ii) Automated Teller machines

iii) Internet shopping card


a) Explain the business model of XYZ Bank

b) What are the objectives of launching XYZ Bank Online?

c) What can you conclude from the case study?


Section II

3) Define e-commerce. Mention different types/categories of e-commerce business and state limitations of e-commerce (10 marks)

4) Explain in brief: (10 marks)

a) Advantages of EDI

b) Working mechanism of EDI

5) Explain real time gross settlement (RTGS) in detail. (10 marks)

6) Discuss emerging trends in M-Commerce (10 marks)

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