Dealing With Difficult People In Tourism Industry


Dealing With Difficult People In Tourism Industry

Here are some suggestions to help your staff cope with the angry guest.


    1   Do not fight to win every battle. Often it is easier to simply say, “Yes Sir/Mam you are right.  Very few     angry visitors are willing to listen to your side of the story.


2.Take the angry person out of a public area.  Whenever an angry person decides to do battle in front of other “guests” you lose.  Invite the person into a private room, offer him/her a drink and then listen.


3. Make sure that you know that the angry person knows that you will deal        with the issue at that moment.  Your credibility with an angry tourist is very         low; telling him/her that you will get to          the problem will only make the visitor    even angrier.  Start the repair process       at that moment.  Let the visitor see that         you are doing something.

4. Use the person’s right name and title. If the angry visitor introduces him/herself as “Dr. Smith” don’t say      Mr. or Ms. Smith and don’t use a first name unless given permission.  The misuse of names or titles only adds fuel to an already explosive situation.

5. Make sure that the person addressing the problem is competent    to solve it.  If a member of your staff cannot solve a problem, then turning to someone who can help, is doing  something.  Never just shrug one’s shoulders and say “sorry!”


6. Rather than getting angry, try to think of something comical.  For example, imagine what this person             would look like angry in his/her underwear, and then laugh to yourself.




1  Don’t be defensive.  Try to understand that people on vacation are often a bit irrational.  Instead of reacting in a negative way, coolly ask how you can make their situation better

2  In a like manner, never argue, but rather apologize.  Once the apology is made the upset/difficult person is more willing to listen.  Win by losing!

3  In a like manner, never argue, but rather apologize.  Once the apology is made the upset/difficult person is more willing to listen.  Win by losing!

  1. Dress in a professional manner.  It is amazing how much more respect a well dressed functionary receives.  It is a lot easier to deal with a difficult person when dressed in a suit rather than in jeans.

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