After BMS, it’s not always MBA


(This is my duplicate)
Hello, my dear friends, I am Vishal Agarwal and I have done BMS from NK college. I had plans of doing MBA (as every bms student has) after BMS. But I didn’t, I choose to do Animation.

Did you see this!
This was my first sketch (Digital Painting).

While doing BMS, I found that I didn’t have interest in doing something in management. I was interested in Animation, VFX, Cartoons, etc.
I was more keen on pursuing my career in animation after BMS.
So my point here is, it’s not that after BMS you have to do MBA only.

I am doing my animation course from MAAC and I am happy than others who are doing MBA because I could pursue my passion. There are some people like us who think out of the box ! I have one of my friend who is currently doing LAW after BMS.

It’s true that after BMS, MBA IS THE IDEAL OPTION. People opt to do BMS because they wanna do MBA in their future. But other than MBA, one has many options in which he/she might be interested in.

In life, never do things which is forced by someone else like parents, relatives or friends. Do what you really want to do.
I know its easy to say but u have to fight for that otherwise you will end up nowhere.
BMS has given me managerial skills and I am now developing animation skills .You can do photography, Web Designing, Law, Music, etc and many options are open for you. If you convert your hobby into profession, I bet you will be enjoying it. And you will be best in that. So don’t think that its always MBA after BMS.

BMS is a stepping stone for building your overall personality and making you a management graduate. But after you become a BMS graduate, what you wanna do in life is upto you. “Don’t go and join MBA college, because your friends are also doing the same.” But at the same time, find your strengths and weaknesses and decide where your interest lies. BMS is all about knowing oneself.

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” – Gail Dever

Vishal Agarwal
(White Clouds Studios)

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  1. hey same here i am also confused what to do? This year only i have completed my BMS and right now i am working but from first only i had interest in sketching, Drawing etc.

    I am thinking to MBA after 2 years of experience but at the same time i am feeling to opt for something creative, which is related to sketching, Drawing etc.

    i wanted to do something that would relate to art but might be because of no encouragement and because of myself, i haven’t choose that career.

    But at this stage i feel if i would choose my career as interioer desinging or architect i would be really happy.

    Right now what should i do. Please guys really a need a help from your side.

    Its really a torture for me…..pls suggest………

  2. Exactly agreed with Vishal…
    A proper answer given to those who confuse us of doing MBA just because they think BMS is done to continue further for MBA….
    As until we start up with MBA its really a difficult but though we have our choice of what to do….
    Do what you feel and what are you interested for…its gonna make your carrer not for those who says to optn for this and that ….as they just say n gi away and later no one come forward again and ask what are u puraung for n noone gonna help later
    All the best guys…

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