What And How To Pack When You Travel


The girl is trying to close suitcase crammed on white

Whenever I am going out-of-town or to a foreign country, the biggest question I used to have is what should I pack ? 

Many of us have this question, where it may be a 2 day trip or a 20 day trip.

I will be sharing with you all some interesting tips on How to pack when you travel :

1. Make a Note 

Make a note of the country or place you are going. Know about the climate it has and do a proper research about the country you are going to, so that it will be easier for you to make a list of what necessary things you will need.

2.Listing Down Necessary things 

Most important thing to do is listing down the things you will definitely need. Like, if you are going to a cold country, make sure you have thermal wear which is a must have for cold countries. Like this, make a list.

3. Destination

Destination is important, destination as in a shopping destination or a sight-seeing destination. If you are going to shopping destination you have to make changes in your bag accordingly and vice versa.

4. Packing 

If your destination is shopping destination then pack less clothes in your bag. Since you will be shopping a lot in such places, you will need space in your bag to carry these things back. And if you are traveling by flight, then there is always a baggage limit. When you go to famous shopping destinations like Dubai, Bangkok, New York etc., you tend to buy a lot and then there is no space in your bag to put the stuff in. So to avoid that, carry less. Try to carry a half empty bag if possible.

If you are going to a destination where there will be a lot of sight-seeing then carry a lot of clothes. Since there will be a lot of sight-seeing there will be a lot of photos and you need to look properly dressed up in those. So carry nicer clothes. 

Make sure you roll up your clothes to make space in your bag and it is the right way to pack. Also make sure that you are carrying toiletries in different travelling pouch to avoid mess. 

5. Emergency kit 

Emergency Kit is must have like sometimes if you fall sick you must have some basic medicines with you and also a sewing kit just in case.  Make a different pouch for this kit, and keep it in a place where it can be easily found.

6. Bag Selection

Bag selection is very important step. I prefer to carry a huge bag than smaller one if I am going to a foreign country. Because I know I am a shopaholic and I shop a lot. But even if you are not, just carry a large size bag if possible so even if you shop you don’t have to worry about over flowing of bags.

7. Handbag 

For me, hand bags are always backpacks when I am travelling. Back packs are big and can carry stuff if your bag is over flowing. It carries my essentials and things I will need in my flights perfectly. Try to carry back packs to see the difference.

These are the things I follow when I am travelling. It easier for me this way to pack my things. You can make alterations according to your needs in this, but these are the essentials.

Have fun Holidays guys and Happy journey !!!




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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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