The Little Girl’s Economic Curiosity!


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When last September rupee was fighting hard to regain its position in the market and the stock markets were at their lowest, this little 10 year old girl was worried about the economy of the country.

Strange, Isn’t that? We young adults are least bothered about it. How does that even matters to us? Till we get our pocket money and salary on time. But this letter amazed me and the $20 that she sends thinking that it would make a difference to the economy, was unbelievable

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The young girl addressed this letter to Governor of India, Raghuram Rajan along with the money. The governor was surprised with this little lady and responded her by writing back and giving her back the money. He also invited her to come and visit the RBI in Mumbai.

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When asked by media, she responded by saying that she knew that economy was weak because of inflation and corruption and thought that those $20 would help somehow to save the country’s economy from this situation. She is like any other normal kid of her age but when asked what made her do this.

She said that she had heard her parents talking about it and the same was hitting the newspaper headlines everyday which made her question to her mom about it.
Such kids make me wonder how beautiful the future is going to be and makes me proud to be Indian.

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Tanvi Gupta


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