How to say who’s your daddy and count to Ten in several languages.


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How to Count to Ten in Several Languages


  • English
  • One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
  • Tagalog
  • Isa, dalawa, tatlo, apat, lima, anim, pito, walo, sham, sampo
  • Korean
  • Hana, Do, Set, Net, Dasul, Yasul, Ilgul, Yudul, Ahol, Yuhl
  • Spanish
  • Uno, Dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez
  • German
  • Eins, zwei, drei, vier, funf, sechs, siebens, acht, noine, zehn
  • Japanese
  • Ichi, Ni, san, shi, go, roku, shichi, hachi, kyu, ju
  • French
  • un, deux, trois, quatre, cing, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • yi, er, san, die, wu, liu, qi, ba, jiu, shi
  • Italian
  • uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque, sei, seitte, otto, nove, dieci
  • Portuguese
  • oom, doyees, traes, kwatroo, seencoo, sayes, setchi, oyetoo, noveh, dess
  • Dutch
  • ayne, tway, dree, fiehr, faihf, sehs, sayfen, aght, nayghen, teene
  • Norwegian
  • En, To, Tre, fi-re, fam, saks, shu, otte, ni, ti
  • Russian
  • ahdin, dvah, tree, chyeh-tea-ree, pyahtee, shest, syehm, vohsyem, dyeh-veaht, dyeh-seaht
  • Farsi (Persian)
  • yek, doo, se, chahar, panj, shesh, hasht, noh, dah,
  • Hindi
  • ek, do, teen, char, paanch, chah, saat, aath, nou, das
  • Arabic
  • wahid, ithayn, thalatha, arba’a, khamsa, sitt, sab’a, thamaniya, tis’a, ashara
  • Greek
  • miden, ena, dio, tria, tessera, pende, eksi, epta, okto, enea, deka

How to say who’s your daddy in several languages


  • English: Who’s your daddy
  • Spanish: quién es su padre (kee-en-es-soo-pahd-ray)
  • Tagalog: Sino ang tatay mo (Seen-o-ahhng-tah-tie-mo)
  • French: qui est votre papa (key-es-votre-papa)
  • German: Wer ist dein Vater (wer ist dein vah-ter)
  • Italian: chi è il suo papà (Chi-eh-il-su-o-papa)
  • Dutch: Wie uw papa is (wee oow papa is)
  • Portuguese: quem é seu papai (koo-em-eh-shoe-papai)
  • Norwegian: hvem er din pappa (vem-er-din-papa)



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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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