Hearty Congratulations To The Best New Comer Content Intern: Ankit Yadav!



The BMS team is bustling with new talent and new energy, a lot of awesome interns joined us in the last week but The Best newcomer Content Intern is a coveted title and this week we have 2 interns sharing that position! So let’s help you get Up, Close And Personal with one of the Winners: Ankit Yadav!

He starts by saying: Thank you, Ami for all the applause and greetings…

Q & A:

1. What are you doing currently?

Ans: Currently I am pursuing MBA from SMU (Distance Learning), New Delhi. I am in my last semester and I hope I will complete my degree in Jan 2015. Apart from this, I am doing job with a Real Estate firm in Gurgaon as an “Administrative Executive”….

2. Why did you take up this internship?

Ans: As I was fond of writing, at many times whenever I searched for a writing job the “Content Writer” job is the first one, which comes in front of me. One day I came to know about this “BMS Content Writer Internship programme” and that day I decided to join this programme to understand the work which a content writer do & today I am glad that I understood it…

3. How have you benefited through this internship, in this one week?

Ans: This whole one week is not a week for me; it is as if I am associated with the BMS Interns team from a long time. Days are beginning with BMS, every morning wake up and read all those 400-500 msg’s related with BMS Interns on whatsapp and then whole day thinking about that day’s article. The colleagues are awesome, and some are writing brilliant articles, which motivates me and I try to figure out that how a person can write this type of an article or how they generate creative ideas. It was a great learning experience and a lot more to learn in the coming days…

4. How does it feel to be the best newcomer intern of the week?

Ans: It feels great and I am thankful to everyone in BMS Intern team for their support but apart from this, I am more excited because of this interview, because this is my life’s first personal interview and before this, my parents have only interviewed me personally. So, thank you BMS.co.in for giving me this chance and making me feel special.

Congratulations once again and do keep up the good work!

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