Greatest Sportsmen Of All Time



There have been some of the greatest characters, legends, superstars who have graced the field of sports, who have been inspiration to the world, who have been the Champion on and off the field. Great character, determination, skills, talent and willpower have made these great people who will ever live in the memory of all. Here I present some of the greatest sportsmen who have been the best in their sport with a great character off the field.

Roger Federer – Tennis


He has won 17 Grand Slam titles, defeated Sampras. He still plays the game and is already a Legend. He has ruled the world of tennis.

Sachin Tendulkar – Cricket        


Arguably the greatest batsman to ever play cricket, May be, he surely is regarded as a God in India and have broken records which are impossible to reach. When you talk about cricket you just cannot forget about the great Sachin Tendulkar. Everyone associated with cricket likes Tendulkar as he has been such a character to the game.

Muhammad Ali – Boxing


There is no one out there who likes boxing but has never heard about Ali. He played in an era when Boxing was at its best. He had some of the fights which were regarded as ‘The fight of the century’. A great person off the field,

Michael Jordan – Basketball


Everyone knows him, who doesn’t? He won 6 NBA titles and has Olympics Medal.. Regarded as the greatest Basketball player to ever play the game, he is a great person even outside the court. Also acted in Hollywood, remember ‘Space Jam’, he is surely a legend.

Pele – Football


The greatest footballer of all time, some might argue but this guy was one heck of a footballer and a great guy. Won 3 world cups for Brazil with a smile and has great records in his name. He is an inspiration for young footballers and a great way to teach that football is a team game.

– Jainam Jhaveri

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