5 Films Guaranteed to Lift Your Spirits



Sometimes when you’re feeling down, there’s no easier pick-me-up than a favorite movie. It might make you laugh, it might make you cry, but a classic feel-good flick will always leave you a little happier and may even put a smile on your face. So whether you’re looking for a romantic comedy, nostalgia, or pure escape, read on for our list of the top 5 movies to watch when you’re feeling down. Grab the popcorn and dim the lights!


1: The Blind Side


This is the heartwarming true story of football player Michael Oher and his unexpected champion, Leigh Anne Tuohy. Big Mike doesn’t know who his father is, his mother is a drug addict, and he’s homeless when Leigh Anne, played by Oscar winner Sandra Bullock, spots him wandering coatless on a chilly autumn night. She opens up her home and heart to him, to near-miraculous effect. “The Blind Side” shows the value of generosity and what can be accomplished when even just one person believes in you.




A cartoon can inspire you to get in touch with your inner child and remember the simple pleasures in life. “Up” is a multilayered tale about a cranky old man who finds out that it’s never too late to take a risk and have an adventure or make a new friend. An overeager and earnest 8-year-old and Dug, a dopey but lovable talking dog, add to the humor in this beautifully written and animated story that will have you laughing through tears.

3: Billy Elliot


If you’re looking for a feel-good film about daring to go for your dreams, then “Billy Elliot” is for you. Set in 1984 in northeastern England, the story is about Billy, an 11-year-old boy who finds that he has a passion and talent for dancing and aspires to become a professional dancer. However, this isn’t welcome news to Billy’s dad, a coal miner who believes that boys should box, not dance. A tough dance instructor, a miners’ strike, a family quarrel, missed opportunities, a change of heart, and a nail-biting audition add to the melodrama that builds up to the final scene — you will be moved to get off your couch and dance, which a study has shown to decrease depression symptoms.

4: The Shawshank Redemption


Based on a Stephen King novella, “The Shawshank Redemption” tells the story of Andy Dufresne, who is serving two consecutive life sentences in prison for the murder of his wife and her lover — crimes he didn’t commit. The underlying message of this surprisingly inspirational movie is that the beauty in every moment should be appreciated no matter what the circumstances. If prisoners can find a precious few minutes of serenity while listening to operatic music, surely there’s a moment in each day when we can appreciate what’s good in life. Need another reason? Research shows that people who express gratitude are generally happier than those who don’t.

5:  Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


Every Charlie Kaufman movie is a miracle, but this one is particularly special, a movie that means something to everyone who watches it. The feelings Eternal Sunshine evokes are so universal because they speak to what love is: that which is most inescapable and inevitable, quixotic and transcendent. It’s a puzzle that leads to the human heart. These are the pieces.





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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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