DU BMS JAT Entrance Exam Syllabus


Delhi University has conducted the Joint Admission Test (JAT) 2015 for the admission in BMS course from the year 2015. DU JAT 2015 is an entrance exam for getting admission in 3 colleges of University of Delhi offering the Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS) Course.

Here we present the detailed section-wise syllabus of DU BMS JAT:

Quantitative Ability:

  1. Algebra
  2. Arithmetic
  3. Permutation and Combination
  4. Probability
  5. Geometry
  6. Matrix
  7. Calculus
  8. Number Theory
  9. Surds and Indices
  10. Square Roots
  11. Fraction and Decimals
  12. HCF and LCM
  13. Simplification
  14. Approximation


Reasoning and Analytical Ability:

  1. Bar Graphs
  2. Statistics
  3. Charts
  4. Logical Reasoning Caselets
  5. Assertion
  6. Reasoning
  7. Puzzles
  8. Coding – Decoding
  9. Syllogisms


General English:

  1. Reading Comprehension
  2. English Usage
  3. Vocabulary
  4. Grammar
  5. Idioms and Phrases
  6. One word substitution
  7. Fill in the Blanks


Business and General Awareness:

  1. Current Affairs
  2. History
  3. Geography
  4. Economics
  5. Business
  6. Companies and Logs
  7. Literature
  8. Politics
  9. Society and People
  10. Personalities


DU JAT 2015 exam is of 2 hours and the total marks is 360. The total number of questions asked is 120 and each correct question will carry 3 marks. For each wrong answer, 1 mark will be deducted.


BMS aspirants can also refer to DU BMS CET exam syllabus which was conducted in the year 2014 for getting admission into 6 colleges of Delhi University.

Arithmetic Topics:

  1. Number Theory
  2. Surds and Indices
  3. Square Roots
  4. Fraction and Decimals
  5. HCF and LCM
  6. Simplification
  7. Approximation
  8. Ratio and Proportion
  9. Average
  10. Logarithms
  11. Commercial Math
  12. Compound and Simple Interest
  13. Percentage
  14. Profit and Loss
  15. Partnership
  16. Discounts
  17. Volume
  18. Data Comparison
  19. Quantitative Comparison
  20. Data Sufficiency Test
  21. Data Interpretation


Reasoning and Analytical Ability:

  1. Direction and Distance Test
  2. Analogy Test
  3. Classification (Odd Man Out) Test
  4. Coding and Decoding Test
  5. Number Test
  6. Series Test
  7. Relationship Test
  8. Alphanumeric Symbol Sequence
  9. Alphabet Test
  10. Ranking Test
  11. Time sequence Test
  12. Mathematical Operations
  13. Logical Word Sequence Test
  14. Insert Missing Sequence Test
  15. Cubes and Cubical Dice Test
  16. Data Arrangement Test
  17. Data Sufficiency Test
  18. Logic Test
  19. Statements Assumptions
  20. Statement Arguments
  21. Statement Conclusion
  22. Statement Action
  23. Logical Diagram (Venn Diagram)


General English:

  1. English Vocabulary
  2. Synonyms
  3. Antonyms
  4. Analogies
  5. English proficiency
  6. Idioms and Phrases
  7. One word substitution
  8. Rearrangement of sentence in paragraph
  9. Rearrangement of word in sentences
  10. Fill in the blanks
  11. Close test
  12. English usage errors
  13. Common error
  14. Spotting errors
  15. Inappropriate usage of words
  16. Spelling mistakes
  17. English Comprehension.


Business and General Awareness:

  1. Business and Trade Awareness of Word and India
  2. General Awareness
  3. General Geography
  4. General History
  5. General Economic Study
  6. Politics
  7. General Science
  8. General Computer Science
  9. Sports and Awards
  10. Current Events


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