Don’t You Think Giving Students More Time And Space Can Foster Creativity?



Students have a lot of pressures of choosing the right course, scoring good marks, choosing right career etc. There are many students who are confused what to get into, what they should do etc.

People say go to the counsellors who can guide you through. But I believe that we are our best guides. We know what we want it’s just that we somewhere forget and don’t realize it due to the pressures of the society.

Every student needs to have his or her own space to think about things for themselves. Just sit somewhere and think about yourself, just yourself . The day you will think about yourself a little, you will understand what you want . All the answers about you lies within you. I am not saying that you should be selfish, But I am saying sometimes it is good to think about yourself .

To have time for yourself where you can think or recreate or do whatever you want is important. This time and space with yourself will give you all the answers to your questions. These answers will change your life forever.

Many people do not often experience having their space. They have given up their space to other concerns, other demands for their energy. Their valuable energy is being used to create for everyone except themselves. They may not be aware that there is no need to heal or place others in the journey for finding their own space.

Many problems will bounce off and solutions will come to you if you find your own space. One can create what one wants when he or she has her own space. Things seem to flow effortlessly. Solutions come easily, your own genius is available. Life is more fun.

This also works while studying , when you have your space you can work more efficiently and effectively .

Sometimes personal space is important to give you happiness.

There are people who only like to travel alone, this is usually because they like and want have some personal space for themselves.

That doesn’t mean you should be isolated. After a stressful day, anybody want to have some personal space for some peace.

Nowadays , this is all thought in Yoga, by doing meditation and other things.  Yoga is also something one can do to clear out some thoughts.

Friends have some time and space for yourself, not for others. This can help you to be the real you and will definitely bring a change in your life.

 Having space and time for yourself will help you dream, concentrate, plan, create, focus, store and reclaim. Get freedom from distractions, interruptions and upsetting things. 




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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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