6 Amazing Facts That You Must Know About People’s Choice Awards


6 Amazing Facts That You Must Know About People’s Choice Awards

People's Choice Awards logo

The People’s Choice Awards is an American awards show, recognizing the people and the work of popular culture, voted on by the general public. The People’s Choice Awards is broadcasted on CBS and is produced by Procter & Gamble and the Survivor producer, Mark Burnett.

Here are some Facts that you must know about ‘The People’s Choice Awards‘:

1. The People’s Choice Awards show’s creator was Bob Stivers, who produced the first show in 1975.

Here is the image of Bob Stivers:

Bob Stivers


2. The first awards recognized The Sting as Favorite Picture of 1974, Barbra Streisand as the year’s Favorite Film Actress, and John Wayne as its Favorite Film Actor.

Here is the image of the movie poster ‘The Sting’:


 The Sting movie

Here is the image of Barbra Streisand:

Barbra Streisand

Here is the image of John Wayne:

John Wayne

3. In the 20th century,The People’s Choice Awards  were based on results from Gallup polls. Each year, Gallup took a survey of different categories for favorite actor, actress, movie, artist, television program or group.

The People's Choice Awards

4. The winners of the 31st People’s Choice Awards which was on January 9, 2005 were decided by online voting rather than Gallup polls.

Here is the logo of 31st People’s Choice Awards which was done through online voting:



5. The nominees for the 32nd People’s Choice Awards were determined by the web research company Knowledge Networks, which took a nationally representative sample of men and women ages 18 to 54, with and without Internet access, to come up with the nominees.

Here is the image of the Confirmation screen after consumer votes for their favorite trophy:


 Confirmation screen after consumer votes for their favorite trophy

6. The nominees for the 2010 People’s Choice Awards were determined by the media research company Visible Measures, which specializes in measuring Internet video audience behavior.

Here is the logo of Visible Measures:

Visible Measures logo



7 Best Moments From People’s Choice Awards 2015:



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