5 Best Perfomances By Leonardo Di Caprio You Must Watch!



Leonardo Di Caprio is became a household name with his role in the Titanic and till now he has being doing some of the greatest movies and is a superstar who is popular all over the world. He came up with some of the best movies doing different kind of roles like a young romantic artist in Titanic or a cruel plantation owner in Django or or a CIA agent in Body of Lies, He has been good in different roles and has shown he is a versatile actor. These are some of the bests of Leonardo Di Caprio.


leo titanic

Leonardo Di Caprio played a young seventeen year old, handsome, romantic artist who won a ticket of the Titanic which was going from Liverpoll to New York. This movie has to be one of the greatest romantic movies ever and made Leo a superstar.


leo inception

Did you understand this movie first time you watched? May be not as it is one of the confusing movies but surely one of the best movies and being a Christopher Nolan film, it had to be way good.

The Wolf of Wall Street

leo wolf

This film is about business, the rise and fall of a rich guy it surely is a movie worth watching it is about the corruption, fraud which had happened in the 80s-90s. DiCaprio plays Belfort who is that rich guy and his story from the luxury to the prison.

Django: Unchained

loe dango

He plays a role of a brutal Mississippi plantation owner but he nailed it. He showed his talent with a really good acting though it was more of a negative role.  Though Leo did not win an Oscar but his role was really good and was well received and this film became one of the best film of the year.


leo departed

Leonardo Di Caprio played young cop Billy Costigan who is assigned to infiltrate mob chief who is played by Jack Nicholson. It was a well received film and is among the best of Leonardo Di Caprio.

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