Secrets Of A Perfect Relationship!!!



We often strive to find perfect people in our life. A perfect partner’s search with a big list. But then with the hurdles and teachings of life we come to know that people are not perfect. It’s not about finding a dream boy or a dream girl, someone who is all time perfect. No one is party ready when a person wakes up. We find that it’s not about the person who is perfect – but RELATIONS are perfect. And these relations are an effortless contribution of people living in it. It’s easy to make a relation, but the real – the only true relations are the ones that survives beautifully and flawlessly. Of course if two people love each other – but someway cannot mike out a perfect relation – the love is true too.

We strive each day to bring our dream into reality. The beautiful things we see and then we start painting those beautiful colors in our dreams too. We start expecting those for our life too. A relationship is blessed by its name itself. You are a lucky person if you have a love in your lifeJ. But is that enough? With time you realize – the need of nourishment for your relation, the need to make your partner really happy and comfort them. Falling in love is easy for many but maintaining it effortlessly is difficult for all. You cannot get mad at her without saying what the matter is. There are many such things which you can, can’t, should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t.


Well I tend to shortlist all and present all best help with some essential secrets of a perfect (nearly) Relationship.

  1. The stomach butterflies.

You cannot survive a relationship if you are not attracted to your partner. The perfect relationship holders are deeply attracted towards each other. This attraction includes looks, personality no doubt. But it’s not the only one thing. Interests, unique things matter the most. They don’t miss to get butterflies still after long years and find every meet as they are more falling into love together.

  1. Knowing each other SO WELL.

You know it’s a hot day and your girl is not going to amaze you with her hairs open. You are sure she is going to tie it up all today and cover her face entirely – so you won’t get to stare at her except her deep eyes.

Its okay when your boy’s hairs are not all set or he had a bad hair cut – you laugh and embrace complimenting him and increase his self-obsession levels. You know what will surprise her and she will float with happiness, you know what makes her mood go off. You know what food pops his eyes out and which dress of yours makes him go mad. You know what will hurt him and how to cheer him up.

They just know everything about each other.

  1. Unplanned Romance.

There are two types of expressing love (romance). One – when your love plans an expensive dinner and even more expensive gifts to amaze you and get your jaws drop. Second – when your love express his love in small small things, unusual plans, which may just include spending quiet time holding each other’s hand. That doesn’t mean in the second type – love is less. It’s just the way of expressing love.

But what makes perfect is unplanned romance. Grabbing her hand tight on a silent road, staring at her when she eats without missing a blink (and when she notices that), holding her waist and sticking to her eyes on a beach – this just happens effortlessly. And it gives more peace and pleasure and an extreme beautiful feeling.

  1. Showing care.

Care is the molding part of any relation. Some people are worth melting for 😉 a person feels connected when he is being taken care. An aggressive person can be melted, a silent one can fall, care is very powerful and our perfect lovers know this very well. Care comes naturally when you are attached to someone – you always want their self to be safe and in healthy.

Holding her shoulders in a crowd, running to his place when he is ill, shouting her caringly ONLY when she ends up hurting herself, helping him to come out of a heart breaking situation with care. Care is a daily work. It shows up in your small activities. Which makes your partner fall for you every time you care.

  1. Respect each other.

All fun, pranks, jokes at one side and the ultimate true respect at one. No relation ahead when there is lack of respect. He respects her. He cannot hurt her beliefs and sentiments. She respects him. She knows he is doing right and does not intervene in his decisions. She respects her unsaid things and expectations.

  1. They are best friends.

They cannot hide anything from each other and owe all good moments to her/him. Celebrating anniversaries, laughing on unusual situations, doing together things they love, knowing and sharing things to the core, trusting and believing others. They are best buddies. They tease each other, dance, sing, and create unhealthy situations in public. Because they don’t care about the world. Love is crazy.

  1. Never Fight.

There are only arguments and discussions. Usage of rude words are strictly prohibited. They never speak rudely or in a disrespectful or sarcastic tone or manner. Ewe it just doesn’t happens. Because they can’t. They come out with an agreed result quickly. Even in their argument they show their love and hope that things will be fine the very next minute and you don’t need to worry. Their love is everywhere.

And the list ends here because – there has to be something’s of your own too right? These were the things which every happy couple should include. Also doing a deep research is not possible as the perfect couple keeps many things only to them. It’s so special that they don’t want to share it with the world.


Know right, do right. After all things should be perfect with the one you will grow old.


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