Language- A Bridge or Barrier?



It is said that the first impression is the last impression. A person is defined by his/her personality. Therefore, building up a strong and striking personality had become the need of the century. Gone are those days where we could just bury ourselves in the book and earn respect in the society. Now-a-days, one can either present or perish.

Amidst all this, one of the major factors that influence our overall outlook and persona is language. Speech is like the flow of a water stream, it always flows ahead and words uttered cannot be taken back which is why one should be very careful with choosing his/her words. Language is a very sensitive issue because one can tell a lot about the nature and characteristic of a person just by his/her language.

A speech with slangs, the formal tongue, the high spirited optimistic tone, the philosophical language; if we start visualizing such types, we can very easily form a very stark image of each which is evident how much language can influence our perceptions towards people. Other than that, language is widespread across the world with different scriptures, accentsand tones. Hence, there is always a conflict of how to judge a person’s personality from language. Irrelevant. No matter what accent the person has, the prime focus of conversation is confidence.

Confidence has always been the language of the bold. Words said with confidence always appear true to the world and successful people realize the need of that. There is a reason why children are taught the art of public speaking at school level. Because it is much more than interacting with an audience. It is about voicing your views, defending your opinions, becoming independent and not hiding away and let someone else take the credit for your efforts. And giving up on so much isn’t very smart or brave for anyone. In this era, it’s not about fitting in; it’s all about standing out. And your speech, your language and your personality provides that. So it’s your call to either make it or break it. We should always remember that language acts as both our shield and sword and manhandling it does no good.

– Anwesha Rath.

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