How To Train Your Dragon 2 – Movie Review



Cast:Jay Baruchel, Cate Blanchett, Gerard Butler, Djimon Hounsou, America Ferrera, Craig Ferguson, Kit Harington, Jonah Hill, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, T J Miller and Kristen Wiig
Music: John Powell
Director: Dean DeBlois
Producer: Bonnie Arnold
Writer: Dean DeBlois

In 2010 the world’s most adorable dragon was unleashed on to the big screen. I’m pleased to say four years he is still just as adorable.


Dean DeBlois moves from his co-director to director chair for the sequel and brings with him nearly every cast member from the first film. Returning members include everyone from Jay Baruchel to Gerard Butler to America Ferrera. Notable newcomers are Cate Blanchett, Kit Harington, and Djimon Hounsou.


How to Train Your Dragon 2 picks up five years after the events of the first film where we find out that Berk has fully accepted Dragons into its culture. Armor smiths are now making saddles and dragon-hunting training has been replaced with dragon racing. Hiccup (Baruchel) is now a young adult who explores new lands with Toothless. His father Stoick (Butler) expects Hiccup to become the new chief of Berk but Hiccup is less sure about his future (aren’t we all?). And things begin to intensify when Hiccup and his girlfriend Astrid (Ferrera) discover a group of dragon trappers lead by Eret (Harrington) who are capturing them for the purpose of using them in an army lead by Drago Bludvist (Hounsou).


The film is gorgeous and certainly more visually impressive than it’s predecessor. Not only does it have higher graphical fidelity (character animations and overall detail) than the first but also the cinematography is breathtaking. Returning Visual Consultant, and film veteran, Roger Deakins has truly outdone himself.


The returning cast is all in top form and Blanchett and Harrington are welcome editions. Blanchett as Valka adds a lot of emotional depth to an already mature franchise. Also Eret has a nice little sub plot as he learns more about the dragons he takes so much pride in capturing. (There should be fan art of Harrington’s Jon Snow, from HBO’s Game of Thrones, riding Toothless somewhere in the world).

The question that everyone asks when talking about a sequel is “Is it better?” The answer for How to Train Your Dragon 2 is debatable. There will be people who find the freshness of the original more enjoyable than the follow up but that shouldn’t diminish the accomplishments of the sequel.


Why to go:

  • You are looking for an entertaining film for both kids and adults
  • Love animation films. This is definitely one of the better-looking ones.
  • Want some more Toothless in your life (Who doesn’t?)


By  Harshvardhan Singh.




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A fan of art,cinema,music and whatever is beautiful. currently a student. Creativity and innovation always draws me towards it. i am the one who reads books,hears music take pictures explore places and does whatever gives peace and pleasure and shares it .


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