What are factors that Need to be taken care of to develop our Personality?


1.         Holistic Approach : An individual plays different roles in this world of Maya. He is a citizen of a nation, an employee where he works, a manager having accountability for many things and also a father, a son and husband in the family. Again Indian ethos emphasizes all of us are parts of the supreme consciousness, therefore, inter-linked. There is inter-relationship among all the animate and inanimate objects of the universe. Therefore, personality needs to be developed in such a manner that we would be able to realize this concept and respect all our fellow beings.

2.      Know thyself : The need of the hour is to know oneself, understand one’s true self, one’s divine nature. All of us are the children of Param Pita or the supreme soul-omnipotent soul. Therefore, there is enough potential among all of us. In today’s hectic schedule we have forgotten that we are having god-like qualities within us. They are still there lying dormant, waiting for our call. We have to take initiative to turn ourselves into sattvik personalities having all the divine qualities.

3.      Introspect : It is one of the most important factors to develop our personality. As Swami Vivekananda said, “Introspect, detect, negate substitute and be happy. Start today, the tomorrow you are waiting for may never come!” Through introspection or self-analysis we should detect our weaknesses and be ashamed of them. When we are ashamed of our negative traits, those traits will vanish and according to the laws of nature those vacuums will be filled up or substituted by just the opposite i.e. positive traits. So introspection is the need of self-manage t and self-development and consequently we would be happy.

4.      Be Religious : Vedanta insists that we need to be religious to develop ourselves. Here the religion does not mean merely keeping fast, ringing the bell or worshipping the God or goint to the temple  or church. This is the religion which helps us to discover a new strength, a new enthusiasm, a new vitality to face the life’s challenges peacefully and with optimistic creed and to be honest while dealing with others. For that matter the entire religions’ ultimate objective is that

5.      Soul’s Development : Indian ethos believes ‘merely related to ‘ development is not merely related to skill upgradation or skill development which many management people may emphasise to improve their productivity level. Here development is more oriented to the growth and development of the individual. His overall character needs to be developed. It takes care of the professional as well as personal growth of the individual. The focus is not to make him only a bette remployee but also to transform him into a better human being.

6.      No Egoism : If we are really interested to attain the state of inner-bliss, we have to discard our ego. In its presence we become self-centred, individualistic in our approach. It can lead to innumerable problems like poor interpersonal relationship, conflict and disharmony, ineffective organization and even a disastrous society. To avoid this, we must discard our ego.

7.      Remove Fears : The Upanishadas emphaises that fear is the main cause of degradation, misery, death and all other evils. So one of the most important criteria to develop oneself, is to attain the state of fearlessness. A sattvik personality is an enlightened soul, who understands the laws of nature and therefore is fearless.

8.      Have Faith in Yourself : Indian ethos emphasises that we must have faith in ourselves, in our potential. “All the powers in the universe is already ours,” as Swami Vivekananda proclaims. Only we should know that and transform ourselves from a tamasik to sattvik personality.

9.      Develop positive attitude towards life : We must have positive attitude towards life. Even if we are facing lot of misery, failure and conflict in our life, we must know that it will all be over again life will be full of  happiness and blissful. ‘Chakrabat paribartante sukhani cha, dukhani cha’ i.e. like a grand cycle, once sukha (happiness) and then dukha (misery) appear. It is a continuous process.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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