6 Facts To Be Known On The ‘Tehelka’ Of The Tehelka’s Editor-In-Chief : Tarun Tejpal’s Case


Tarun Tejpal, a much known famous Indian novelist who has turned into a criminal rapist was an editor-in-chief of Tehelka magazine. Five must known facts about the Tejpal case..

1. On November 30th Tejpal was taken into jail for allegedly assaulting a female colleague on 7th November and also on the next day too.
2.A non-bailable warrant was issued against him.
3.The February issue of his magazine was based on Sexual Violence in India and due to this Tejpal was heavily criticized.
4.On first day of July he was granted bail and also had to submit his passport to the court.
5.Tejpal had asked petition to the court by saying that he did not have enough documents for his defence and he has been granted for the same.
6.Tejpal was also in news because he was invited at LitFest and people criticize him for being invited on social media.

Tejpal while getting the bail on 1st July
Tejpal while getting the bail on 1st July

Books by Tejpal-

The Alchemy of Desire- By Tarun Tejpal(2005)
The Alchemy of Desire- By Tarun Tejpal(2005)


The Story Of My Assassins-Tarun Tejpal (2009)
The Story Of My Assassins-Tarun Tejpal (2009)

He has also written Valley Of Masks which was published in the year 2011.

A short news piece-

Cyrus Brocha talks on Tarun Tejpal’s sexual assault case-

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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