10 Avtaar Facts You had No Idea About!


Avatar facts show the interesting facts about the biggest movie ever by James Cameron. When you watch Avatar, you will be impressed with the fascinating scenes, characters and effect.   You can find differences between the original and actual script on the name of character. At first, Neytiris was named Zuleika. Find out more facts on the following post below:

Avatar Facts 1: Casting

The casting of this movie was intended for the female lead. It was posted by Mali Finn Casting on the websites in the beginning of December 2005. Many people think that this casting for the movie Battle Angle by James Cameron.

Avatar Facts 2: Michael Biehn

The role for Col. Quaritch is very important in the movie. James Cameron considered Michael Biehn at first. Bu it seems that he changed his mind because he did not want the audiences to think that it was an alien.

Avatar Facts 3: Sigourney Weaver

Sigourney Weaver is also a part of Avatar. He played as James Cameron persona. For him, it was a very challenging character.

Avatar Facts 4: Titanic

Titanic is a successful movie by James Cameron created in 1997. Actually the move Avatar should be created around 1999. However, the fund was beyond the budget due to the special effect that it required. He had to wait for 10 years to get a studio to fund the movie.

Avatar Facts 5: Scenes

When you see Avatar, you will be impressed with the scenes in the movies. 60 percent of the scenes were the photo realistic CGI, while 40 percent scenes were the live action.

Avatar Facts 6: Gollum

The CGI effect is well enough to be used as the main technology in Avatar after he saw the character Gollum in the Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers in 2002.

Avatar Facts 7: Project 880

Project 880 is the name of the code used for the promotional items in the movie Avatar.  They are shipped on the cinema carefully.

Avatar Facts 8: codename

The movie was shipped in two parts of UK under the code of Red Bird.

Avatar Facts 9: Characters

Zoe Saldana is one of the main casts in the movie. To make people ready for the short, James Cameron took the cast to Hawaii to practice.

Avatar Facts 10: the expensive movie

There is no need to wonder that Avatar is one of the most expensive movies ever made. The estimated budget was US $280,000,000.


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