It’s A SHORT’S Story In Men’s Fashion Circuit!




Despite their apparent simplicity and relaxed spirit, few other garments building a gentleman’s essential wardrobe can give rise to such interminable debates as shorts do. You can make a statement by selecting the right shorts..

Men’s shorts: the basic colors:


From traditional to bold and eye-catching, colors have a great deal of influence over the general mood exuded by your summer shorts. Keeping things classy and conventional, solid colors such as tan, khaki, white and navy represent a safe bet, thus being the usually preference expressed by guys.

For a brighter and louder look, ditch the navy and white shorts for eye-catching shades of yellow, dusted pink, teal or royal blue. Don’t be afraid to sport some color as long as you keep your look polished.

 Prints & patterns:


Where bright colors fail to make a statement, leave it to the extra-loud patterns and prints to make a bigger and better impression:


Choose plaid and checks for a modern take on preppy. Stick with stripes for a timeless yet very much on trend rendition.Gain extra-style points by choosing something on the adventurous side, such as a lively bird print.Do consider sporting the new camouflage for summer for an extra tough look.Keep the Hawaiian inspired shorts exclusively for beach getaways.



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Riya Lokhande


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