Public sector being a guarantor of job security is a myth


“Public sector servants say always with the best of intentions, what greater service we could render if only we had a little more money and little more power”. But the truth is that outside of the legitimate function, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector..

Now I can put a question that public sector being a guarantor of job security is a myth….???

The answer would be undoubtedly NO as public sector gives 101% of job guarantee who has tied up with this sector. Even now in many public sectors employees work till retirement even if they are not qualified, eligible and talented but in private sector there is hire and fire policy which makes the employees to work in an enthusiastic and always charged up manner. Consider for an example our parents or any of our friend’s parents are working in an public sector will never think of changing their jobs even if they see our present generation changing the jobs.

Public sector are more convenient and appropriate for lethargic people. People who want to explore and see themselves at a better place and at a growing stage will all time prefer private sectors as the phase as well as scenario have changed now. People want good salary, good explorations, growth and development of their organizations as well as of their own etc. so the private sectors prove to be beneficial.

Even the customers who use the products are more attracted to private sectors as they give a lot of facilities at a cheap rate.Take an example Vodafone and MTNL. Both of them have the same purpose but the service given and the innovations provided are very much different which can’t even be compared. Our country is going towards globalization so even the public sector should tend to go towards globalization.

People working in public sector only try to see his/her own benefit without thinking of the country , without thinking of our citizens. So “Aam insan” (common man) don’t have faith towards public sector. Employees get a job security and they think that no one can fire them if they do the work or don’t do the work they just sit idle, only thinking about themselves by doing corruption and many of the crimes.

It is rightly said that the ‘private sector’ of the economy is in fact the voluntary sector and the public sector is in fact the ‘coercive sector’

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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