Interview with Shikha Singh Sengar, TYBMS Topper 2013, ICLES’ Motilal Jhunjhunwala College


Hello everyone! Myself Shikha Singh Sengar have pursued BMS from ICLES’ MJ College, Vashi. I am a fun loving person, confident and call myself a huge entertainer. I have a great passion for writing and dream to write a novel someday. Other than that I love dancing, travelling, cooking, hanging out with my friends and spending rest of the time at home with my family. During my course of BMS I have been actively involved in my departmental festival “ASTRA” by being the Marketing head and Event head and also the member of my college cultural committee.

I have done two short internships as Management trainee in reputed companies and have visited various companies during my industrial visits in college. I love being a part of everything which has led me to push my boundaries due to which I have participated in various college festivals. Currently, after my graduation, I am working as a HR executive – placement coordinator in Jaro Education.


Aggregate % – 75% (total marks – 902)

Project grade – O

Electives chosen in Sem 6 – Retail Management


Did you take Coaching? If yes, which classes? 

Yes, Nikhil’s classes for practical subjects OR and IF.


Extracurricular activities/Hobbies/Achievements-

Achievements – consistent topper of 3 years from my college,

Extracurricular activities – event head and marketing head of our college BMS department fest ‘astra’, art circle member of the college annual fest ‘sanskruti’,

Hobbies – dancing,travelling, reading and writing.


Fondly known as (name) in the college group –

smoke chicken, agony aunt, shikakai, madam and lots more depending on the varied situations I was into.


Ambition in life-

I want to become an entrepreneur and operate my own business some day and few years down the line I want to publish a book and be author.


Most memorable moment in BMS-

There are many moments of all the paagalpantis which I have done with my friends but the two best moments are – one during our college vivas because we were so nervous that time and second during our fest astra when we were felicitated and appreciated for the enormous success of the event.


Funniest thing you did in the BMS course –

The worst presentation which my friends and I gave during our third year. It was seriously damn funny and bad on the topic of employee motivation. Also we did all sorts of nonsense during the preparation of my college fest.


Define BMS in 1 line –

“Jack of all, master of none.”


1)      Which factors were considered in mind while selecting the Sem 6 Electives/Optional subjects?

It was totally dependent on my interest of choosing retail because it was a part of marketing and I was not much interested in finance.  My creativeness and extrovert approach only settled for marketing.


2)      Did you use for your exam preparation? Which sections of helped you?

Yes, I used to refer for reading out notes from my mobile when I was free and I also used to check solved question answer sets during exams and important questions.


3)      How do you feel to be a consistent topper in both Sem 5 and Sem 6 exams? 

I was never busy with books. I actually bunked the most in third year with my friends then the first two years in bms.  I also never studied thinking about getting a rank in college and I still think that my scores are quite average. I just gave a competition to myself and tried to improve and enhance my skills not just in terms of studies but also my overall personality. And getting good marks boosted my confidence even more and helped me to achieve my targets which I had in mind.


4)      Behind one topper are many people who stood by him/her during those uncertain times when he/she was merely an ‘aspirant’. Would you like to tell the world, who were those people in your case? Any specific incidence that you would like to share with the readers?

My family is my biggest support system, then and now. They never forced me to do something in which I was not interested and nor they forced me to study hard. Every person has their own capability and capacity and they believed in me, in my determination and goals, then the supportive teachers who have been a part of my life since last three years for their encouragement and finally my best friends for being their thick and thin.


5)      What is your message to the aspirants?

I always believe in hard work and smart work. So just go ahead and do all your work on time and then you will have lots of other time to chill out. Also be involved in lots of activities in and out of the campus because bms course is something which is not limit to the classrooms. Also try to get maximum marks in your internals which will build your overall score. And finally enjoy the 3 years to the fullest and be a part of all the madness which you will remember and cherish forever.


6)      What was your study plan?

I started studying all theory subjects around four weeks before exams and did a go through of all the topics so that I can atleast write something in the paper. Also I was always quite attentive in class which helped me to remember the key points in the answers. For practical subjects, I attended classes and studied it routinely because I was not from the maths background, so it were difficult for me.


7)      Marks of every subject

subject Internals Externals
EM 39 32
OR 38 37
IF 36 41
IMTP 39 44
IM 39 34
RM 38 38


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