How does the process of standardization lead to variety of reductions?


The process of standardization leads to simplification of variety reductions. These implies reduction necessary varieties and standardizing to be most economically sizes, grades, shape, colors, types of parts and so on. The process of standardization and variety reductions as follows:

1)      Prepare the list of all the items use to make the final product. The list can be made out of the design blue print in case the product design is just over but production has not started, or from the actual record of consumption incase the product is in production.

2)      Classify the items according to their performance and dimensional characteristics.

3)      Group the items with similar functional characteristics and then subgroup according to major dimensional values. For example all bushes around 5 cm dia. Will be in one group. While all around 3 cm dia will be in other group and so on.

4)      For a group of items with similar functional characteristics, study the dimensional features. In case of large number of items, several items with the same and similar functional requirements are likely to show the dimension clustered in much closed vicinity. If the performance characteristics are within satisfactory zone, these items are produce of the same dimensions. This a very important step in variety reduction.

5)      If performance is acceptable, the items has been standardized according to the National or International standards. If the performance is not satisfactory, organization will adapt a local standard, the dimensions being of the representative value.


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